Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
01 December 2018
As I am waiting for my fracture to heal further, I have decided to move in to a Senior Citizens' Home as soon as my orthopaedician gives his green signal after review on Wednesday. Meanwhile it is comforting to receive calls from friends and well wishers including fellow patients at the hospital where I was admitted. I remember what my beloved mother used say: "If we are good to others, others will be good to us."
27 November 2018
Blessing in disguise
As I write this post, I am in the inpatient ward of a local hospital canvalescing from a knee fracture a few days back. By God’s Grace, I am considered to be fit for discharge tomorrow.
I will miss the kind hospital staff, fellow patients and their attendants who had always been there to extend their physical help to me though my brother used to visit me once or twice daily and help physically in all possible ways whebever I needed, as usual. Despite her family commitments my sister too helped by being in the hospital for two days.
These few days kept me somewhat occupied, thanks to mobile based Internet and gadgets such as UTube. I could derive the pleasure of listening to programmes of least importance (eg. Softrock) as well as those of most importance (eg. Devotional songs by Anup Jalota and K J Yesudas).
I will miss the kind hospital staff, fellow patients and their attendants who had always been there to extend their physical help to me though my brother used to visit me once or twice daily and help physically in all possible ways whebever I needed, as usual. Despite her family commitments my sister too helped by being in the hospital for two days.
These few days kept me somewhat occupied, thanks to mobile based Internet and gadgets such as UTube. I could derive the pleasure of listening to programmes of least importance (eg. Softrock) as well as those of most importance (eg. Devotional songs by Anup Jalota and K J Yesudas).
25 September 2018
Vaamana Jayanthi
Past friday was an auspicious day in the Hindu calender. This is the day on which The Almighty Shree Hari descended on the earth billions of years back in His Vaamana Avataar and blessed king Mahaa Bali, the grandson of Prahlaadhaa, the greatest devotee of Lord Narasimhaa.
13 September 2018
My beloved father's death anniversary
Today is the death anniversary of my beloved father according to Hindu calender. As I had to go to Ashram to get the ritual performed, I didn't have time to write this post in the morning. Today is also the his birthday according to the English calendar. I fondly remember him and my beloved mother who had always been a support to him.
12 September 2018
Supreme Court's shirking responsibility and Public Administraion's perverted decision
We all know that recently our Supreme Court washed away it's responsibility of conducting trial on the case of Rajiv Gandhi's assassins and passed on the task of deciding as to whether to release them or to keep them in custody, to Tamilnadu Government. Yesterday the TN Government decided to release them.
Any even minded good person will know that this is a dangerous move. I just don't understand how such things happen. I think that Mr Modi and his team or the President of India should intervene to avert such bad practices. I think that people should stage rallies against wrong doings such as these. Criminals deserve severe punishment across barriers such that they don't dare to even imagine committing crimes again.
Any even minded good person will know that this is a dangerous move. I just don't understand how such things happen. I think that Mr Modi and his team or the President of India should intervene to avert such bad practices. I think that people should stage rallies against wrong doings such as these. Criminals deserve severe punishment across barriers such that they don't dare to even imagine committing crimes again.
02 September 2018
Softrock revisit
As I am writing this post, I am viewing a melodious Softrock performance by Philipp Poisel, a young German singer and his band on DW TV . Their music has an interesting resemblance to that of Mark Pnofler.
Lord Krishna Fest
Today is a very auspicious day for Hindus. It is on this day nearly 5000 years back that the Almighty Shree Mahaa Vishnu descended on the Earth as Krishna. He was born at night after moonrise. Hindu devotees offer special worship to Him on this day. I fondly remember my beloved parents on this auspicious occasion and pray the Almighty to shower His Blessings on them.
My Krishna Janmaashtami greetings to all my Hindu friends as well as non-Hindu friends such as Jose.
My Krishna Janmaashtami greetings to all my Hindu friends as well as non-Hindu friends such as Jose.
28 August 2018
Raghavendra Fest
Today is a very auspicious day for Hindus. This day marks the beginning of three day festivities in worshipping Raghavendra Swamiji, one of the most revered saints in the Maadhwaa sect. I'll write more about this when I get to my notebook. Thanks for reading my posts.
25 August 2018
Today is celebrated as Onam by people across barriers in Kerala. This is the day on which king Mahaa Bali, grandson of Prahlaadhaa, the greatest devotee of Lord Narasimhaa, visits the region every day.
Billions of years back, according to Hindu Scriptures, Shree Hari descended on the earth in the form of a small Brahmin boy (known as Vaamana Avataar) and blessed king Mahaa Bali.
Onam greetings to all my friends from Kerala.
Billions of years back, according to Hindu Scriptures, Shree Hari descended on the earth in the form of a small Brahmin boy (known as Vaamana Avataar) and blessed king Mahaa Bali.
Onam greetings to all my friends from Kerala.
24 August 2018
Vara Mahaa Lakshmi Vratham
Today is an auspicious day in the Hindu calender. This day is celebrated as Vara Lakshmi Vratham. All spiritually inclined Hindus worship Divine Mother Shree Mahaa Lakshmi who is the consort of Shree Mahaa Vishnu, the Almighty.
I fondly remember my beloved mother who used to offer special worship to the Divine Mother on this day.
I fondly remember my beloved mother who used to offer special worship to the Divine Mother on this day.
23 August 2018
18 August 2018
World Hindi Conference
World Hindi Conference is being held in Mauritius for 3 days from today. I wish that such events are held for Sanskrit also not only because it is the most anclient language but also most importantly because it is a divine language.
20 July 2018
17 July 2018
Birth centenary of Dr Nelson Mandela
It was a pleasure to view the Nelson Mandela birth centenary speech by Mr Barack Obama, former US President, in Johannesburg, on BBC World, today.
It is rare to come across inspirational leaders like Nelson Mandela, Rev Dr Martin Luther King and our own Mahatma Gandhi.
Sometimes these leaders are placed on par with self centred politicians . It is a well known fact that Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela were proud to follow Gandhian principles unlike in the case of dubious politicians like K Kamaraj, former Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, who was believed to be a Gandhian, though it was an open secret that he could not resist the temptation of eating chicken curry even in public luncheons and was instrumental in oppressing people of certain castes in Tamilnadu, during his regime. His skewed grudge based policies were followed by other political parties as well resulting in nasty public administration governance permeating across all Tamil Nadu State Government regimes except that under the leadership of Dr MGR.
07 July 2018
People centered Governance
While our Central Government seems to be doing well in many development areas, I think that it is high time that the Government should consider law and order as 1st priority.
It is still common to hear criminals being acquitted, given bail etc with no valid reason. This is obviously because of corrupt police officers and judges (Though honest officers are there in Police and Judiciary, there contribution is overshadowed by others). It is very high time that corrupt officials in Police and Judiciary are given very severe punishment including irreversible life imprisonment or death penalty.
Similarly, criminal friendly advocates who defend criminals in our courts of law should also be given very severe punishment. If they are merely banned from practising their profession, they can still influence and mislead the judiciary processes in the wrong manner. If I remember it correctly, many years back Ram Jethmalani, a senior advocate in the Supreme Court, defended the person who assassinated our former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. I think that this Ram Jethmalani was also made a Minister in former BJP regime/s a few times.
Any advocate who defends criminals or people who go against dhaarmic principles (law) should be accorded irreversible life imprisonment or death penalty. Once this happens, lawyers will also be cautious not to practice in the wrong way.
06 June 2018
Yesterday there was a TV news report that the Tamil Nadu Government is going to release life imprisonment convicts on a day of national importance (the date of which I don't remember). Due to some problem my TV doesn't work since this afternoon (though this has nothing to do with payment as I am always prompt in payments and I have paid to TATA SKY for a year's connection). Hence I can't find the date and occasion on which these criminals will be released.
All of us Indians know that this is not the first time that such a thing happens. I think that such moves are very bad as these criminals will continue their evil works after they get released. I think that our Governments and political parties should not be allowed to do any thing that they like for selfish reasons if their wrong action can cause problems to common folk.
People of my age may remember that in Tamil Nadu, it was only during the time duration when Mr MGR's was the chief minister that such wrong actions were not taken and that during DMK regime such actions were common.
People of my age may remember that in Tamil Nadu, it was only during the time duration when Mr MGR's was the chief minister that such wrong actions were not taken and that during DMK regime such actions were common.
27 May 2018
01 May 2018
Indian pride at the Commonwealth Games 2018
It was nice to know that sportsmen and women from our country brought laurels to our country at a far higher level than ever before in the recent Commonwealth Games held in Australia. I think that our Prime Minister and his team needs to be thanked for all the encouragement and facilities accorded to deserving people from all walks of life.
In the past few weeks many religious and historically important events such as Hanumad Jayanthi, Veda Vyaasa Jayanthi, NaraSimha Jayanthi, Parasuraama Jayanthi and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr took place. I'll write about these in my future posts whenever I find time. Along with the above mentioned, at a closer level, Sudha Mohan, my maternal aunt's daughter passed away. I fondly remember. Hope her husband Mohan and daughters Aruna and Aparna bear the circumstance. Sudha's brother Shreedhar, who lives in Vijaya Nagaram, was admitted in the hospital and discharged; I am told by his daughter that he is recovering. The period also marked one year since my beloved mother passed away. I fondly remember her.
30 March 2018
Due to some technical problem with my Notebook and Wi-fi system and consequent mishandling of the problem by incompetent technicians I could not use blogger for several weeks. Thanks to the most recent technician for having fixed my problem. I'll continue writing as before, whenever I find time. Thanks.
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About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.