Today being Ekaadashi is a very auspicious day to Vaishnawites, devotees of Shree Mahaa Vishnu.
Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
30 December 2021
26 December 2021
Desmond Tutu
Mr Desmond Tutu died today. Aa an anti-apartheid activist, he will be remembered for his efforts to end decades long apartheid regime in South Africa.
23 December 2021
Divine Discourse
17 December 2021
Modiji at Kaashi Vishwanath temple
A few days back there was a function at Shree Kaashi Vishwanaath Temple in Vaaranaasi, Uttar Pradesh. As leader of our countryfolk, our Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modiji participated in the function by performing sankalp under the guidance of the temple priest. A nice gesture that had never been displayed by any Prime Minister we have had before Modiji became our PM.
Dhanur maasa
Today is an auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. Dhanur maasa begins today. Special worship is offered to our Divine Mother Shree Mahaa Lakshmi, the wife of Shree Mahaa Vishnu, our Divine Father, daily for a month from today onwards.
As I write this post, it is joy viewing a divine discourse on Shreemad Bhaagavath Katha by Shree Indradevji Saraswathi Maharaj, from Brindaavan, Uttar Pradesh, on Sanskar TV Channel.
16 December 2021
Krishna Manthra and George Harrison
Hanumad vratam
14 December 2021
Shree Hari and His Bhagavad Geethaa
Today is a very auspicious day to Hindu people in general and Vaishnavites in particular.
Today being Ekaadashi, devotees of Shree Mahaa Vishnu fast on this day and offer special worship to Shree Mahaa Lakshmi and Her Husband Shree Mahaa Vishnu.
Today is also known as Geethaa Jayanthi. This was the day during Dwaapara Yuga, a little more than 5000 years back, that Lord Shree Krishna presented His true form in all divine splendour to Arjuna and delivered the most revered Bhagavad Geethaa (God's Song) and guided him to resolve his dilemma as to whether to fight or not, with Kauravaas.
Many Organisations offer free downloadble pdf version of the revered Bhagavad Geetha. One such is that of ISKCON. There are many programs on TV to mark the occassion. One such was telecast on Bhakthi TV this evening. It was a Geethaa Paaraayanam led by Shree Gangadara Shastri.
12 December 2021
Friend in need is a friend indeed
We have all heard the adage "A frind in need is a friend indeed".
Day before yesterday, I visited a few old friends in a Senior Citizens Home in which I and my mother stayed for a few years until we moved to an apartment near where my brother stays.
Among these people, there were Mr Sudhakar Rao and his wife Mrs Vijayalakshmi Sudhakar Rao, basically from Andhra Pradesh. They were an active Brahmin couple with a helping tendency. Mr Rao was an Administrator in a hospital and Mrs Rao, a high school Headmistress.
Day before yesterday I was shocked to hear that Mr Rao died due to cardiac arrest a little more than a year back. I remember him as a smart gentleman who used to do daily walking round the campus after wearing a formal dress of nicely pressed trousers, shirt, socks and a well polished pair of shoes. His wife used to coordinate rituals in the temple housing Lord Shree Krishna and other deities. It also had a statue of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Before leaving Mrs Rao's house, she gave two banana fruits. It reminded me of Mrs Van Chan Khan (shown in the photograph below), my line manager during my stay in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
She was the Inspector General at the Inspectorate of Education at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Government of Cambodia. In Cambodia there is a custom of offering fruits to participants in official meetings. Usually after official meetings, there would be some excess fruits. As my line manager and I used to share the same office room, beforeeaving for her home, she had the nice gesture of placing a few fruits in my bag and asking me to take them to my residence. Whenever I politely refused, she would say, "Guru, I know that you don't really enjoy cooking after hard day's work and that your Indian restaurants here in Cambodia may not have 100% vegetarian food items cooked by any Brahmin. Hence these fruits can be handy to you".
Thanks to these people.
11 December 2021
Divine discourse and Bheema jayanthi
It was joy to view Shree Bhupeshbhai Pandya's divine discourse from Ishhavaasyopanishad. He mentioned beautiful verses including one that means "The world is complete on itself. It is the beauty of His Creation". As usual, he was quoting the revered Bhagavath Geethaa, Lord Krishnaa's Divine lecture to Arjuna.
Today is an auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It is the birth anniversary of Bheemaa.
Bheema is considered to have been born as Hanumaanji previously, and after his life as Bheema, he is considered to have been born as Madhwaachaaryaa, the spiriritual Guru of Maadhwaa community, to which I and my ancestors belong.
09 December 2021
Divine discourse
08 December 2021
We some times see good people dying when young and evil people living longer than 90 years or so thereby polluting people and doing everything to break families down.
Recently, my brother's brother-in-law, a good person, died at a young age probably in his 50s. Similarly Arun, younger brother of one of my former colleagues, passed away when he was just in his 50s. Arun was a gem of a person.
06 December 2021
Russia, US and India
The beatles get back
On 25 November, the full history in the development of 'Get back' by the 'The Beatles' was released, thereby bringing back nostalgic memories of the best softrock band and the late '60s.
Shree Raam Kathaa
This morning I had the joy of viewing Sant Muralidharji Maharaj's 'Shree Raam Katha' on Aashtha TV Channel. He was explaining the concept of 'Bhakthi' (Devotion to Shree Hari) and the excellent qualities of Hanumaanji, the greatest devotee of Lord Shree Raam (an incarnation of Shree Mahaa Vishnu).
Though there are numerous totally immersed viewers in such divine discourses, some are ecastatically absorbed. The photograph shows one such devoted viewer. I think that this gentleman (with folded hands in front of his chest) is nearly of my age or younger. He seems to have an excellent sense of devotion.
03 December 2021
Health insurance oddities
02 December 2021
Until a few years back, in any financial transaction, either the remitter or the receiver or both, had to literally make his/her/their presence at the bank. This involved time, energy and money. But today, without spending much of any of these three, secure financial transcations are possible.
(I was able to send my monthly house rent and monthly maintenance to my apartment owner and apartment maintenance office respectively, simply by using my mobile phone. I could also renew my health insurance. All these in about 15 minutes. Of course I am sure that most people derive such benefit).
Thanks to compure engineering and mobile technology.
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.