30 January 2025

Gandhiji's death anniversary

Today is the 77th death anniversary of Gandhiji

26 January 2025

Republic Day

As I was viewing our Republic Day Parade on TV this afternoon, I couldn't help remembering my beloved brother who was Battalion Under Officer when he was in National Cadet Corps unit attached to his college during his college days.

Being tall and handsome, he was a treat whoever used to see and know him.

(Unfortunately I don't have any photo of him in NCC uniform).

My brother a few months before he passed away:

21 January 2025

My beloved brother

Ramesh, my beloved brother passed away yesterday and his mortal remains were cremated this morning. His death is an irreparable loss to me and to Jyothi, my sister. 

It would have been good if I had passed away instead of him. He was 7 years younger than me.

He was an excellently handsome person internally and externally. 

He had held senior management posts in several companies after obtaining silver medal in MA Defence Studies, followed by Postgraduate Diplomas in Marketing Management and Human Resources Management from the reputed Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan. 

He lastly served as Senior Vice President (HRM) in URC Constructions, a Construction Company headquartered in Erode, Tamilnadu.

(He was a very simple person, like his neighbour Dr Pandiaraja, a highly qualified Sidhha Doctor, and my landlord and his wife, who are highly qualified Engineers). 

He was a Shree Krishna devotee to such an extent that he had kept Lord Shree Krishna's image as his WhatsApp profile photo.

My beloved mother was kind and simple. She  used to say that we should not hurt any one, should ignore if any one behaves badly to us, and consider only the goodness in any one. My beloved brother inherited these qualities. 

My beloved father was a hard working headmaster in Government  higher secondary schools; he was a keen sportsman (who continued playing lawn tennis years after his retirement). My beloved brother inherited these qualities.

He was a great physical and emotional support to me. His demise has left a lasting impact in my life. 

I experience unbearable mental pain and a heavy heart as I write this post. 

I pray to God to let me die as early as He wishes. I am unable to bear my mental pain.

I wish that my beloved brother's soul rests at the Lotus Feet of Lord Shree Krishna.

My brother in 2017:

My brother in 2022:

During reception of his daughter's wedding. From R to L: My sister Jyothi, myself and my beloved brother.

He always bore a nice smile.

Jai Shree Krishnaa🙏.


18 January 2025

Mahaa Kumbh Melaa

Since 13 January, we have been celebrating the divine Mahaa Kumbh Melaa in Prayaagraaj, Uttar Pradesh, India. The festivities will last until 25 February.

There have been a spectrum of religious programmes in this area. Aashthaa TV Channel telecasts a divine discourse on Shree Raama Kathaa as I am typing this post. 

The discourse is given by Shree Chinmayanand Bapujee about whom I have mentioned in my previous posts. He mentions the significance of three paths of spiritual development by giving an analogy of the name 'Prayaagraaj', the divine confluence of three sacred rivers Gangaa, Yamunaa and Saraswathi.

Such programmes are like good medicines to troubled minds (like those of mine at the present moment when my beloved brother is ill).

Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏

14 January 2025

Sun God Fest

Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is celebrated as Makara Sankraanthi. Devotees offer special worship to Shree Mahaa Vishnu seated in the Sun for blessing us with Solar Energy and all resources to lead our lives in a righteous manner. 

(I wish that by God's Grace, my beloved brother recovers from his illness).

Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏

12 January 2025

Swami Vivekananda

Today is the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, philosopher and spiritual leader of youth. He was a disciple of Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, a spiritual leader.

Today is also the birth anniversary of Dr Yellapragada Subbarao, Indian American Biochemist.

11 January 2025

Singers' milestones

Day before yesterday's death of Shree Jayachandran is a loss to our film industry. I nostalgically remember his Malayalam movie songs released in 1980s. He will be remembered for his songs. Let his soul rest in peace. 

Legendary British Pop singer Rod Stewart turned 80 yesterday. Best wishes to him for many happy returns of the day.

10 January 2025

Shree Mahaa Vishnu Fest

Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is celebrated as Vaikunta Ekaadashee. Vishnu devotees offer special worship to Shree Mahaa Vishnu on this day and observe fasting just like on other Ekaadashee days. Today being Wednesday, of which Shree Mahaa Lakshmi is the presiding deity, Vishnu devotees offer special worship to Shree Mahaa Lakshmi. Besides, this month being Dhanur Maasam, devotees chant Shree Mahaa Lakshmi Stotram this month.

Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏

04 January 2025

Immigrants and cultural fusion

As far as I know, every country has many local communities with their own dialects. For instance, Hindi, Telugu, etc. in India, Dzonkha, Charshokpa in Bhutan, Amharic, Tigrinyaa etc. in Ethiopia, and Hausa, Yoruba etc. in Nigeria.

Each of these communities strive hard to preserve it's own culture and traditions. 

This evening cna TV Channel telecast an interesting  on how Ainu community works hard to preserve It's culture and traditions. I tried to provide a link to the documentary but couldn't access it. 

As a professuonal who worked in Africa as well as Cambodia (based in Phnom Penh), I found one such documentary featuring Nigerian community in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Let me share the interesting documentary here.

03 January 2025

BBC Travel Show

I have been viewing BBC's Travel Show right from the time they began airing the episodes. But unfortunately, quality of the Show seems to have drastically reduced over the years. This afternoon (in India) it was about Antarctic. It was exactly the same that was aired a few months ago. I just don't understand why BBC can't air episodes featuring different destinations? Except on episode on The Bahamas aired last year, there has never been any episode about West Indies. Even the episode on The Bahamas was limited to deep sea diving and related issues and not about people and places in The Bahamas.

I tried to provide a link to today's episode but found that it doesn't work outside the UK. Another form of discrimination?

In the meantime, my Wi-Fi stopped connecting and I had to use my mobile internet provided by Reliance Industries. 

I think that our communication technology systems are abused by incompetent professionals.

01 January 2025


Today marks the dawn of another year 2025 in the English calender. 

Although, we Indians follow our own religious calender for our religious works, we are used to following the English calender for birthdays (although this is not perfectly correct). 

As part of the global community, let us welcome 2025.

Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏.

About Me

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Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.