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20 April 2019
Hanumaan Fest
Today is the birth anniversary of Hanumaanjee, the greatest devotee of Lord Shree Raam and His wife Seethaa Devi. He was born during Tretaa Yugaa. He is considered to be a 'chiranjeevi' and is considered to be present wherever the Divine Name of Lord Shree Raam is chanted.
15 April 2019
Shree Raam Fest at Bhadraachalam
As I am writing this post, I have the privilege of viewing Shree Raama Navami Pooja being performed at the famous Shree Raama temple at Bhadraachalam, via Bhakti TV channel.
I fondly remember my beloved mother performing Shree Raam Poojaa every year on this day until her last few years when she became increasingly weak.
Traditional new year's day
Yesterday was the beginning of the new year to people in Tamilnadu, Kerala and countries such as Cambodia. Cambodia was ruled by Khmer kings who were originally from the Pallavaa dynasty that ruled Chennai region. According to historical records, ancient India stretched from present day Afghanistan in the west to Indonesia in the south east.
12 April 2019
Shree Raam Fest
Tomorrow being Shree Raama Navami, I remember Shree Seshaacharyulu, who worked with me in a school in Vijayawada, many years back. A excellent gentleman, he was teaching Sanskrit in the school. I remember how I used to spend some weekends at the Shree Raama temple which was being served by him and his family. I have mentioned about Mr Seshaacharyulu in my earlier posts.
Shree Raam Fest
Tomorrow is a very auspicious day in the Sanaathana Dharmaa (Hindu) calender. This is the birth anniversary of Shree Raam, an incarnation of Shree Vishnu. Shree Raam was born in Tretaa Yugaa, more than 8, 64, 000 years back, as the son of king Dasarathaa and queen Koushalyaa in Ayodhyaa. Shree Raama avathaaram is one of the 10 main incarnations of Shree Hari.
I fondly remember my beloved mother who used to perform special pujaas meant for this day regularly (except during her last few years when she couldn't, due her health condition).
(By the way, even in her last few years when her health went bad with a few hospitalisations following loose motion, lung problem etc., she used to pluck jasmine flowers and place them in a bowl of water so that I could use them in my daily puja).
I fondly remember my beloved mother who used to perform special pujaas meant for this day regularly (except during her last few years when she couldn't, due her health condition).
(By the way, even in her last few years when her health went bad with a few hospitalisations following loose motion, lung problem etc., she used to pluck jasmine flowers and place them in a bowl of water so that I could use them in my daily puja).
10 April 2019
Grand daughterly affection
A few weeks back I went to a local Siddha herbal clinic to get my piles and severe constipation treated. After taking their medicines my health improved. When I went there for the second time, one of the staff members told me that one of the girls at the reception desk said, "Anda thaathaa alagaa irukkaaru " meaning "That grandpa is good looking". I thanked the girl and told her that if I take take birth as a human being in my next birth, I wish to have someone like her to be my daughter or grand daughter. It is nice for any person when children or grandchildren admire him/her, of course from an affection point of view without any odd or perverted feeling.
I have always thought that my parents were a very good looking couple.
I have always thought that my parents were a very good looking couple.
07 April 2019
Sanskar has always been one of my favourite TV channels due to their religious content. This morning there was a nice rock music performance by 'Madhav Rock Band' consisting of Krishna concious youngsters singing "Krishna my Hero". The song featured dance by children in praise of The Almighty. I think that children need to be exposed to such programs instead of trash ones that are featured in our TV programs today.
06 April 2019
New year's day
Today is the beginning of Tradisional new year for Kannada, Telugu and Marathi speaking people. My best wishes for the day to those who celebrate this day. According to Vedic Scriptures, this is the day on which the 9 day battle between Good and evil (between Lord Shree Raam and demonic Raavan) began and ended with the Lord's Victory. The day on which the battle ended is celebrated as Shree Raama Navami by Hindus all over the world.
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About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.