Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
08 December 2020
John Lennon remembered
My brother's birthday
Today is my beloved brother's birthday according to the Western Calender. He was born on 8 December 1957. My best wishes go with him.
04 December 2020
Sabhari and Sabharimalaa
Amrita TV channel's Sandhyaa Dheepam is one of my favourite spiritual programmes. In this evening's programme, the speaker (shown in the screen shot below) mentioned that Sabhari Malaa in Kerala, which is popular due to Aiyappan temple, is where Sabhari, an old lady and a devotee of Lord Shree Raam, featured in 'The Raamaayanam', had her Aashram. (Though I am considered to be somewhat good in spoken Malayalaam, my reading skill is zero. Hence I don't know the speaker's name. I didn't hear his name as I was in the kitchen at that time).
29 November 2020
24 November 2020
I think that Shree Avadeshaanandjee Maharaaj is one of the few saintly humans who does great service to humanity through his discourses. It is a divinely satisfying experience to listen to his discourse (given in Johannesburg, South Africa) daily in the evenings, on Aashthaa channel.
21 November 2020
Missed marriage
It was soothing to view David Rocco's 'Dolce India' on TV this morning, after many days, particularly so when feeling lonely.
I some times feel so lonely that it makes me think that I committed a large blunder in having married to the wrong woman with resultant divorce, and not having got married to my colleague at a Public School in Kotagiri, India, in 1977 or to my Caucasian American penpal (from Charleston, South Carolina) who expressed her desire to marry me, when I was studying for my B Sc Degree during 1968-71, or more recently in 1993, when a dark coloured and good looking gentle colleague displayed her interest in me by saying that I was handsome, when I was working in a school in Jhansi, India; I didn't have the guts to tell that I reciprocated the same desire, to any of these women.
20 November 2020
Tigray unrest
I wish that the bombings and unrest in Ethiopia's Tigray region and its capital town 'Makelle' stops and the region returns to normalcy. I fondly remember the friendly people, the cinema hall where I and my fellow teacher recruits from India had enjoyed watching "Noori", a Hindi movie and Abraha Castle, a Government run restaurant in Makelle, where I and Sebastian, my malayaalee colleague used to dine out, way back in 1982.

Let me share a picture post card that I sent to my beloved parents when I was teaching in Tigray:
19 November 2020
Indira Gandhi's bithday
14 November 2020
31 October 2020
James Bond
According to media reports, Sean Connery, 90 years old Scottish actor who was famous for his roles in James Bond 007 movies died today. He will be remembered by his fans.
27 October 2020
World Teachers Day
I had forgotten that 5th October was World Teachers Day (as designated by the UNO). Let us remember our good teachers.
26 October 2020
Madhwa Jayanthi
Today is an auspicious day to a community of Brahmins known as Madhwas. This community spread all over the world, considers Madhwachaaryaa, a saint who established 8 Mutts at Udipi with Shree Krishna as the presiding Deity, as it's Guru. Madhwaacharyaa is considered to have been born on this day. He is considered to have been an incarnation of Bheema, one of the five Paandavaa brothers who lived in Dwaapara Yugaa and of Hanumaanjee, the greatest devotee of Lord Shree Raam, an incarnation of Lord Shree Mahaa Vishnu. Hanumaanjee is revered and considered to be a chiranjeevi. Jai Shree Raam.
Dusserah Fest
Yesterday marked the end of a 10 day and 9 nights festival known as 'Dusserah' and 'Nava raathri' in Hindu households all over the world. As with many Fests, there had been colourful public celebrations too, for example the famous Raam Leela Fest in Delhi and Dusserah Festival in Mysuru, Karnataka.
During this period, Shree Paarvathi, Shree Mahaalakshmi and Shree Saraswathi are worshipped. During the last three days Shree Vedavyaasa, Shree Raam, Shree Krishna, Parashurama, Lord Hayagreeva and other avatars of Shree Mahaavishnu, as well as Shree Mahaalakshmi, Shree Durgaa and saints, residing in the heart of Shree Saraswathi are worshipped as 'Saraswathi Pooja'. You can read my earlier posts to know more about this annually occurring auspicious Festival.
02 October 2020
Gandhiji and Shastriji
Today is the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji (fondly remembered as father of our nation) and Shree Lal Bahadur Shastriji, our former prime minister.
21 September 2020
A friend in need
Just an hour after I wrote my previous post, my brother phoned me to let me know that Manohar, one of his old friends during school days, phoned him and conveyed his wishes to me. Manohar's elder brother Thyagu was of my age. While Manohar worked in State Bank of India in senior positions, Thyagu did his B Tech in Metallurgy (like Google's Sundar Pitchai) in IIT, Chennai, worked as Senior Executive in the then Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation of Govt of India, went to Tanzania and continued in the Tanzania Government Service. It is nice to hear from old friends after a long time, and to renew friendship (friendship that is sincere unlike the one described in my previous post). I thank God for my sincere friends such as Sreejith, Jose, Selwynn and a few others.
A 'friend' in need
I think that many of us are misled by people whom we trust as good friends. In 1983, when I got admission into the M.Sc. Physics Education Degree Course of the University of Reading in the UK, I applied for scholarship, but didn't succeed. My father asked me to apply for a bank loan by pledging our house (built by hard earned and saved money by my beloved parents). Though I was reluctant to place the symbol of my parents' sacrifices as collateral for the bank loan, after some contemplation and discussion with my parents, I accepted my dad's advice. Soon I visited the local branch of Indian Overseas Bank (Vellore) and met the Branch Manager. He was my neighbour, classmate and a close friend by name V Pandurangan. When I explained the purpose of my visit, he told me that the bank would provide a loan but on one condition that the amount should be repayed within three years, failing which the house would be confiscated by the bank. As I was not sure as to whether I would be able to satisfy this condition, I abandoned the idea. I asked my brother in law (my sister's husband) who was employed in the State Bank of India, as to the rules and regulations for bank loan. He replied that he had no idea about bank loan rules and regulations. Many years later I came to know that what my 'friend' told me was not correct. A few days after I wrote about this episode in this blog a few years back, I received an email from Pandurangan saying how happy he was to know about me from my blog after many years and that he liked to renew our friendship. He also denied what he told me at the bank and asked me to remove the post. I removed the post thinking that it was ethics. But now I think on the contrary. I think that if some one does any thing evil deliberately, his/her action deserves exposure so that others can learn a lesson. Hence I am writing about the incidence now in this post. When he sent his email to me, I didn't reply. I think that he understood the meaning that I was not interested in renewing our friendship.
18 September 2020
Doctor's demise
17 September 2020
This week
This week marks the birth anniversaries of my beloved parents (13th and 17th) according to the English Calender. I fondly remember them.
31 August 2020
David Rocco's Durban
David Rocco's 'DOLCE AFRICA' on Foxlife is one of my favourite channels for it takes us to different places and people. This morning's program featured Durban, a city that I liked and visited a few times.
The program took me down my memory lane to Southern Africa, where I worked for a few years nearly 30 yeas back.
Vaamanaa Fest
22 August 2020
My beloved father's death anniversary
Today is the death anniversary of my beloved father, according to the Hindu Calender. I and my brother performed the shradhdhaa ritual for him. We fondly remember him. We remember the sacrifices that my beloved parents did, to bring us up.
Ganesh Fest
Today is an auspicious day in the Hindu Calendar. This day is celebrated as Ganesh Chathurti. Lord Ganesh, son of Shree Shiva and Paarvathi Devi, was created on this day, many Yugaas back.
21 August 2020
Shree Varaaha Fest
Today is an auspicious day in the Hindu Calendar. This is the day on which Shree Hari took Avataar as Lord Shree Varaahaa, killed Hiranyaakshaa, and protected the Vedaas and all Sanaathana Dharmaa Scriptures as well as our Mother Earth and all living things.
20 August 2020
Divine Fests
Today is an auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It was on his day that Shree Mahaa Vishnu appeared as Lord Dhanvanthri during the Divine Churning of the Ocean. Lord Dhanvanthri is worshipped as Lord of Health and medicines. More recently Lord Balaram was born on this day as elder brother of Lord Shree Krishna on this day in Dwaapara Yugam. In the previous Trethaa Yugam, he was born as Lakshmanaa, younger brother of Lord Shree Raamaa.
12 August 2020
11 August 2020
Krishna Fest
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu calendar. It is on this day that Shree Mahaa Vishnu incarnated as Krishna. According to Uttaradi Mutt, to which I belong, He was born just past midnight.
07 August 2020
Self centred Satellite dish providers
I have been a regular subscriber to Tatasky, a Satellite Dish distributor in India, for the past 10 years.
Recently they have announced that they would stop transmitting NHK World TV from 11th. This has been my favourite channel for their culturally relevant content.
I don't understand the logic behind such moves by Tatasky all of a sudden.
I wish to recall how TATA Motors stopped production of Tata NANO, its single door minicar. It was a very good car.
I think that our Central Government should intervene and put to end such practices by business houses.
Saint Fest
In Madhwa traditions of Vaishnavism, Raghavendra Swamy was one of the most revered saints. Like all saints, although he relinquished his mortal remains and attained SamaadhI, Mantralaya, the place where he attained Samaadhi as well as all those places where the soil from Mantralaya are placed, are revered as divine places not only in India but all over the world. Devotees worship Shree Hari residing in the saint's heart. The saint was Prahlaadaa (the greatest devotee of Lord Narasimha, an Avataar of Shree Mahaa Vishnu) and Hanumaan Ji (the greatest devotee of Lord Shree Seetha Raam).
06 August 2020
Milestone in Indian History
Yesterday marked a mile stone in the history of our great country. As leader and representative of our country's people, honourable Shree Narendra Damodara Modi, participated in the foundation laying ceremony for a new Shree Raam temple in Ayodhya, Lord Shree Raam's birth place. For the first time, I have seen a Prime Minister well versed in Hindu Scriptural verses. It was pleasure to see our RSS Chief as well as spiritual celebrities such as Poojya Shree Govind Giriji Maharaj and Yoga Rishi Baba Ramdevji Maharaj in the Divine function. Jai Shree Raam.
31 July 2020
Shree Mahaa Lakshmi Fest
24 July 2020
18 July 2020
Divine Discourse
13 July 2020
11 July 2020
30 April 2020
Rishi Kapoor
28 April 2020
25 April 2020
Parashuraam Fest
14 April 2020
Traditional New Year's Day
New year greetings to all my friends who celebrate the occassion.
08 April 2020
Hanumaan Fest
02 April 2020
Shree Raam Fest
29 March 2020
God's Incarnation as Divine Fish
26 March 2020
By the way, the sincerity and dedication of medical staff in Eritrea is nothing new. I and many of my Indian friends have literally experienced their work ethics when we were teaching in their schools, in the early '80s. At that time, Eritrea was a region in Ethiopia. I remember very well equipped hospitals such as Yekatit 12 with modern facilites and very patient friendly staff including local and multinational doctors in Addis Ababa and other cities and towns.
Traditional New Year's Day
Best wishes to all those who celebrated this day.
21 March 2020
One more shutter on the "Country Road"
21 February 2020
Shivaa Fest
16 February 2020
Seethaa Jayanthi
11 February 2020
My niece's wedding
20 January 2020
Crime and punishment
Same severity should be shown on women offenders too if they are involved in rape and murder cases, given the fact that people of both genders are exposed to filthy media nowadays with increasing technological ease.
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.