It is joy viewing and listening to devine discourses on Sanskar TV Channel by Shree Shyam Sunder Parasharji Maharaj.
Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
31 October 2022
29 October 2022
Shree mahaa Vishnu's Names
Thanks to mobile based internet technology and the people involved, such as those at Google, it is just a click of a button in UTube, to access divine info. It's a great experience listening to divine discourses by learned pundits. Dushyant Sridhar is one such pundit. A young software engineer with a degree from one of the best Institutes of Technology, he left his lucrative career to speak on His Almighty to people in different languages, and thereby educate them. He explains Shree Vishnu Shasranaamam in English in this video.
Korean culture with Hindu origin
As I would have mentioned earlier, cna is one of my favourite channels. As I was browsing through the channels, I saw a program entitled 'Gangnam's Insider's Picks'. Somehow, the term 'Gangnam' has prevented me from getting interested in the program so far. I had always thought that the program was about gangs and crimes. But when I closely observed this morning, I realised that it was far from what I had thought it to be.
Todays program featured a few Budhist shrines in Korea, including a few in a place known as Maitrey. I think that just like Bhudhism, this name has Hindu origin. In sanskrit, 'Maitreyaa' means friend.
Amazing and interesting.
(I tried to provide a link to the program. But the CNA website mentions "This program is restricted to your region". So, I amunable to give a link).
26 October 2022
24 October 2022
First British PM of Indian origin
Festival of lights
Today is an important and auspicious day for Hindus. This day is known as 'Deepaavali'.
Lord Shree Krishna, who killed the demon Narakaasura with the help of Sathyabhaamaa (although He himself was capable of killing the demon himself, He enacted a Devine Drama here according to Sctiptures). It is on the request of Mother Earth, mother of the demon, to Shree Krishna, that this day is celebrated with festive spirit by all Hindus.
On this day, Shree Mahaa Lakshmi, wife of Shree Mahaa Vishnu, is offered special worship.
A learned Pundit explains the significance of Deepaavali in Kannada language, in this UTube video.
22 October 2022
Foxlife Startrek
As some one who loves travelling I have always liked travel based documentaries on TV.
Thanks to Foxlife Channel, this evening's episode of Startrek, gave some pleasure. This episode was about 'Parikrama', an all Indian popmusic band begun in 1991. I tried to provide a link to the actual program, but couldn't. However thanks to UTube, I could access the band.
This evening's programmes featured the North East of India. It reminded me of nearly four years of my stay in the region many years ago. I was teaching in a Government School in Bhutan. I remember my morning cup of authentic Darjeeling tea and radio programs such as the Tamil Language Service from Delhi, religious events from Nepal, etc.
The special aspect in such programmes is that they take you to people and places that are not usually presented in programmes of other channels.
18 October 2022
Conflict in Tgray
Changes and challenges
11 October 2022
Swami Naaraayan Temple
10 October 2022
Nine Nights Fest
05 October 2022
Divine Fest
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is celeberated as Vijaya Dashami, Budhdha Jayanthi and Madhwa Navami.
It was a great joy to view a devine discourse by Shree Devaachaarya Rajendradasjee Maharaj on Sanskar TV Channel. He was giving a discourse on 'Shreemad Vaalmiki Raamaayan'.
02 October 2022
Birthdays of two leaders in the recent past
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.