Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
30 September 2024
Life-long learning
Kris Kristofferson
According to a TV News Report , 88 years old Kris Kristofferson, an American singer and actor, died at his home in Hawai.
I don't remember having listened to any of his songs. But people of my generation know that he was associated with popular singers such as Bob Dylan, Barbara Streisland and Johnny Cash. I used to enjoy listening to Country singer Johnny Cash, folk singer-cum-song writer Bob Dylan, etc. during my college days. (I once read that Bob Dylan was influenced by the American poet Dylan Thomas).
Although western soft rock, country and folk music sound similar superficially, music enthusiasts know that they do have obvious differences amongst them.
Kris will be remembered for his Country songs and films by his numerous fans.
International Translation Day
29 September 2024
Berlin Marathon
27 September 2024
Technology in our lives
In my previous post, I mentioned the anniversary of Google. It is an undeniable fact that we experience the benefits of technology in our daily lives.
(In my own life, I keep deriving the benefits of technology. When I was a high school student, I was considered to have very good handwriting. Somehow, it gradually became shabby. As I finished my first degree, I thought that typewriter was a better option than writing by hand, when writing letters to friends. I bought a portable typewriter and it did serve me very well. Later in the early '90s, like most people of my age, I began using desktop computer alongwith scanner and printer. In those days, most computers had Windows as the Operating System. I nostalgically remember Windows 3.1 that was easy to use. Rightly or wrongly, compared to Windows 11 that I use in current PC, a laptop, I think that Windows 3.1 was more attractive).
I think that people of my age at 73, are generally not as interested in going for outings, eating out etc. as they would have been, when they were younger. I like to avoid walking on the streets partly due to my age and partly to avoid rowdy looks of men who smoke and stare at elderly people. Bicycling or self driving one's own car becomes hazardous even after 60 years of age. Thanks to Technology, we have call taxi facilities and mobile phones to assist.
After Google Pay came into being, most of us don't physically go to the bank to pay bills and for other transactions. We don't need to go out for shopping. I am glad that I can pay the monthly wage to my servant maid, rent to my landlord etc. using Google Pay. When calltaxis fail, we are forced to depend on autorikshaw drivers in the city. Although most of them charge exhorbitantly (about no Tamilnadu State Government has taken any step so far), it is good that the drivers can accept payment via Google Pay.
Technology is beneficial if it is in good hands.
Google anniversary
Today is Google's 26th anniversary. We all know the immense benefits of Google in our daily lives. Best wishes to Sundar Pichai and his team.
26 September 2024
Teacher Recognition
Any educated or unbiased person in India would know the enormous undue pressure from parents and school administraion on school teachers today.
A few days ago, Singapore Government came up with drastic changes to fix the problem. According to cna TV Channel, teachers in Korea are also under a lot of pressure. The TV programme featured teachers, education professionals at their Education Ministry and parents. It was a well defined documentary. I tried to give a link to the programme but couldn't access any in CNA TV website.
I think that teachers' status and well being is sidelined by our Central and State Governments although there is a lot of lip service and functions such as Teacher's Day when a few teachers are honoured. But, I don't think that this honour is adequate for the sacrifices made by teachers, who are as important as doctors.
Shree Raam Kathaa
As I write this post, I derive joy of viewing a divine discourse on Shree Raam Kathaa by Shree Avadeshanandjee Maharaj on Sanskar TV Channel.
Maharajji explained the importance of offering tharpan to pitrus, arpan to rishis and samarpan to Shree Hari. As usual he quoted verses from the revered Shreemad Bhagavath Geethaa .
(I came to know that he had given discourses in South Africa in the early 1990s. Although I had been working in Southern Africa during that period, there were only a small number of Indian radio stations and only one Indian channel on South African TV. This TV channel used to telecast a Sunday programme lasting 2 hours or so. Hence there was no way to know news about discourses by pundits from India via TV. There was no Internet at that time. If I had known about such discourses, I would have probably enjoyed and spiritually benefitted by listening to them).
Jai Shree Raam🙏.
Dr Manmohan Singh's birthday
22 September 2024
Oasis in the desert
Any one will know that today's social media including TV Channels are flooded with programmes of bad content. By God's Grace, there are a few channels that stand out from the rest. One such is DD National's Serial on Lord Shree Raam. I strongly feel that parents should encourage children to view these programmes so that they can develope as good adults with devotion to Shree Hari.
Jai Shree Raam🙏.
18 September 2024
Lizard menace
Radical changes in School Education
Mahaalaya Paksha
According to the Hindu Calender, from today to 2 October is a very important period to all Hindus. This period is known as Mahaalaya Paksha.
17 September 2024
Shree Mahaa Vishnu Fest
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It is celeberated as Anantha Chathurdashi.
Bhaarathee Ramana Mukhyapraana anthargatha Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏.
My mother's birth anniversary
According to western calender, today is the birth anniversary of my beloved mother. I fondly remember her and my beloved father.
15 September 2024
My father's birth anniversary
Vaamana Jayanthi
13 September 2024
11 September 2024
Lord Shree Krishna
All Shree Mahaa Vishnu devotees know that the Shree Krishna Temple in Udipi is a very divine abode of Lord Shree Krishna.
Many of us may not be knowing about the origin of the Divine Idol of Lord Shree Krishna.
In a recent discourse, the speaker described that Shree Rukmini Devi requested Lord Shree Krishna for His Idol to worship regularly; the Lord blessed her with His Idol; this Idol from Dwaarakka reached Udipi by boat. Shree Madhwaachaarya installed this Idol and thereby installed the Shree Krishna Temple. Let me share the discourse.
08 September 2024
World Literacy Day
07 September 2024
My father's death anniversary
According to the Sanathana Dharma Calender, today is the death anniversary of my beloved father. As in every year, this morning I went to a local Ashram and performed the Shraddhaa ceremony to my beloved father. Every year my brother and I perform the ceremony together. But this year, my beloved brother is ill and is admitted in a hospital. I hope that his health returns to normalcy soon.
Shree Mahaa Vishnu Fest
05 September 2024
Divine Fests
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It is celeberated as Balaram Jayanthi, Shree Varaaha Jayanthi and Dhanvanthari Jayanthi. Lord Balaram is the elder brother of Lord Shree Krishna. Shree Varaahaa and Dhanvanthari are incarnations of Shree Mahaa Vishnu.
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.