Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It is celeberated as Deepaavali (meaning Festival of lights). This is the day on which Lord Shree Krishna killed Narakaasuraa, a demon. Lord Shree Krishna, Lord Shree Raam, Shree Mahaa Vishnu and His wife Shree Mahaa Lakshmi are offered special worship today. Wick lamps are humbly submitted to Shree Mahaa Vishnu as a token of gratitude for all that He has given to us with humble request to Him to dispel the darkness in us and enlighten us, that just like a lamp dispels darkness. A ritual of respect to Yama Dharma Raajaa, one of the numerous deities in Shree Mahaa Vishnu's Empire, is also performed on this day.
Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
31 October 2024
Festival of lights
28 October 2024
Divine Discourse
24 October 2024
South Pacific
It is a well known fact that regions such as West Indies and Pacific Islands are sidelined by Media including TV Channels. Thankfully there are a few TV Channels that do cover these regions as well. One such is ABC Australia TV Channel. This channel telecast an interesting programme this evening. Let me share the programme. Samoa may not be as strong as American Samoa, but this island country is culturally more authentic than it's American counterpart.
CHOGM at Samoa reminds me of the late 1980s when it was once held in Nassau, The Bahamas. My maternal uncle (my mother's brother) was Branch Manager of the Offshore Branch of State Bank of India at that time. The then Prime Minister Shree Rajiv Gandhi and his wife visited the Branch and met with the Indian community , on a good will visit.
21 October 2024
Ramon Magsaysay Awards
This evening there was an interesting news documentary on this year's Ramon Magsaysay Awards . One of the awardees is a Bhutanese medical doctor. As a school teacher who worked in Bhutan for a few years in the late 1980s, I found thedocumentary very interesting.
20 October 2024
Electric cars
Although I stopped my car driving 20 years ago, I continue my interest in what is happening in the world of cars.
All of us are witnessing an interest in electric vehicles among consumers as well as manufacturers. The latest news that the famous car manufacturer BMW is introducing two versions of it's mini EVs is interesting. I do hope that such cars will help enormously in these times of vehicular pollution.
Although EVs seem to be a very environmentally friendly, I think that their safety aspects due to over charging etc. cannot be ignored. According to news reports, there were a few incidents of accidental burning of EVs during charging.
Safety aspects should be thoroughly experimented and analysed with careful follow up before rolling EVs into mass production and distribution.
18 October 2024
Divine Discourse
According to Shaasthraas, Lord Shree Mahaa Vishnu can accept our worship or communication to him in any language.
Although I am not familiar in Gujaraathi language, I do derive immense joy by viewing divine discourses by respected Shree Nitya Swaroopa Daas Jee Maharaj, as telecast daily by Aashthaa Bhajan TV Channel.
Jai Shree Swaami Naaraayan Jee🙏.
15 October 2024
A few decades ago, climatic conditions in India were as defined in our Hindu Almanac. This included two months of rainy season followed by two months of winter, and so on.
Ever Indian knows that this pattern is changed and the culprit is the greed of human mind. We have meddled with God given Nature too much by destroying our forsets, vehicular and industrial carbon dioxide emissions etc.
NASA's latest news report that it is sending a mission to Jupiter's moon's to explore possibility of human living conditions there indicates human desire to pollute Jupiter's moon as if human attempted pollution on Earth and meddling with God given Nature is not enough. What NASA does is ethically wrong.
14 October 2024
There was an interesting phone-in programme involving an expert in psychology on DD Karnatakka Karnataka TV Channel this morning. As I don't know how to read Kannada, I didn't know the expert's name. She was defining the term gratitude. Unfortunately many times we across people whom we have helped a lot but later these rascals behave with no gratitude at all.
12 October 2024
Vijaya Dashami
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calendar. It is celeberated as Vijaya Dashami. This day is also known as Dusseraa. This day is also known as Buddha Jayanthi; Shree Mahaa Vishnu manifested as Buddhaa on this day. This day is also celebrated as Madhwa Jayanthi.
I am well learned neither in Sanskrit nor in Sanaathana Dharmaa Scriptures. From whatever little I know, Dusseraa is known as Dash Haraa in Hindi. I think that it means the victory of good over evil marked by Lord Shree Raam's killing of ten headed Demon King Raavan.
11 October 2024
2024 Nobel Prize for Literature
10 October 2024
Lumumba's Africa
Ratan Tata's demise
08 October 2024
Festivals in Addis Ababa
As I have mentioned in my previous posts, having worked in African countries, I have always been interested in documentary shows featuring Africans. This evening's episode of WION TV Channel's World of Africa included an interesting report on festivals in Addis Ababa. I nostlgically remember my stay in Addis in 1982 and 1983 as Phyics Teacher in their Government Schools. Thanks, Eric Nyoka and WION.
05 October 2024
World Teachers Day
Today is International Teachers Day Temple priests, farmers, teachers, and medical doctors are backbones of any developing country.
Best wishes to all teachers.
03 October 2024
Marvelous Mysuru
It was pleasure viewing a documentary about Mysuru Palace on DD Karnataka TV Channel this evening.
Being the second largest city in Karnataka, Mysuru is home of many auspicious and historic sites. One of these is Avadootha Daththa Peetam.
The city was a great centre of learning Sanskrit. I fondly remember that my mother's maternal uncle known as 'Vaasu maamaa' was Principal of a Sanskrit College in Mysuru many decades ago.
It is said that Mysuru was the place of origin of Mysuru Pak, an internationally popular sweet snack.
02 October 2024
School Teacher's Role in Today's India
Any sensible Education Administration Professional in our country would know that teachers in our schools are under enormous undue pressure from school management, students and parents. A few days back, CNA TV telecast a detailed documentary outlining the undue pressure on school teachers in Korea. From my experience of more than 30 years in School Education at different levels in different countries, I think that many of the problems faced by Korean teachers are experienced by teachers in our country as well. As far as I have experienced, main culprits are School Administration Boards and parental community. These two have unrealistic expectations and put teachers under enormous, some times unbearable pressure. In our country we still don't have any support system to help teachers in difficulty. Of course there is a lot of lip service and occassional recognition of teachers' role on Teacher's Day etc. But this is certainly not adequate to protect our teachers' interests.
Gandhi Jayanthi
01 October 2024
Awesome Addis Ababa
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.