07 March 2025

Pamela Bach

Day before yesterday's death of Pamela Bach at 62 is sad news. Her fans will remember her action in TV shows such as Baywatch telecast in late 1980s. This was a period when TV Channels used to telecast shows such as Bold and the Beautiful. (These shows were very popular among educated middle and upper middle class folks like me, all over the world).

May Pamela's soul rest in peace.

06 March 2025

Saint Raaghavendra Swaamy

This evening there was a spiritually enriching programme on Sri Sankara TV Channel. In this program entitled 'Raghavendra Bhavayami', Shri Dushyanth Sridhar, explained how evil Mantharaa brainwashed Keikeyee etc. He also mentioned about Shree Madhwaachaarya, Chief Aacharyaa of Maadhwaa community to which I belong. 

Although Shree Raghavendra Swamy shed his mortal remains and called by Shree Mahaa Vishnu, many years ago, he is believed to continue to bless Shree Mahaa Vishnu devotees; his Ashram is popularly known as Shree Raghavendra Swamy Mutt

The programme featured melodious religious songs by Sivasri Skandaprasad

As I have mentioned before, my brother was a devotee of Lord Shree Krishna to the extent that most of his computer related online passwords were related to Lord Shree Krishna's Names and that he donated his reasonably new (a few months old) TATA Nono car to ISKCON Chennai, nearly 15 years ago.

With heavy heart, I remember that the last time I met my beloved brother last month, a few days before he passed away, I saw a laminated  pocket sized picture of Shree Raghavendra Swamy on his bed near him.

Shree Dushyant Shreedhar 

Sivasri Skandaprasad 
My beloved brother Ramesh

Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏.

04 March 2025


From my boyhood days, I have always had a fascination for good books. During college days, I used to spend my free time in the college library. 

I fondly remember how the British Council Library and the USIS Library used to send books by mail to their members who reside in places away from Chennai. I was resident in Vellore, and I used to long for these books.

After entering the teaching profession, I used to spend my leisure times either in the School Library or in the Physics lab. 

Wherever I got posted, I used to be a regular visitor to the local library. I fondly remember the UNESCO Library, German Cultural Centre Library and the British Council Library in Addis Ababa. I remember the British Council Library in Gaborone, Southern Africa; I used to visit it to collect books and media for me as well as for the Science Department of School in which I worked; I was Audio-visual Coordinator in the Department.

In the mid 1990s, I had the pleasure of obtaining Institutional Membership of the British Council Library, Chennai, for PREPARE, an excellent NGO in which I worked. This became the first NGO to be a Member of the British Council Library, Chennai.

This afternoon NHK WORLD JAPAN TV Channel telecast an interesting documentary on libraries. Let me share it here.

03 March 2025

Tofu: Japanese delecasy

This afternoon, NHK WORLD JAPAN TV Channel telecast an interesting documentary on Tofu, a very popular food item not only in Japan but also globally including in our country. The show featured different types of Tofu.

It is 100% vegetarian and delicious.

Tofu to Japan is what coffee is to Ethiopia, piezza is to Italy, noodles are to countries such as Thailand and Cambodia, Netherlands to cheese, Switzerland to chocolates, wine to Germany, beer to South Africa, and dosa is to India.

Girl's day in Japan

Japan celeberates it's Girl's Day today. 

02 March 2025

Ukraine and Russia

Although I am neither an enthusiast in politics nor  a competent person in commenting on political affairs, from a socio-economic perspective, I am a keen observer of the political scenario.

In the recently held meeting between Donald Trump and Volodymir Zelanskky, it looks like the former overplayed his role. Besides, it looked like the US side dominating the dialogue. I think that there should be no place for domination in any dialogue or bilateral communication. 

It brings a ray of hope for peace in Ukraine and Russia, with today's meeting of European leaders convened by the Britsh Prime Minister. 

Let us hope that the meeting strives to achieve peace in Ukraine and Russia. 

I wish that Mr Volodymir Zelanskyy is not isolated and that he is given all support that he and his people deserve.

01 March 2025

Rascals' birthdays

This morning at around 6 am, some guy with horrible voice unsuitable for music began singing songs alongwith an orchestral accompaniment with loud sound level. It continues, the time being 10.15 am. 

I found the cause of the above noise pollution to be the birthday of M K Stalin, 'honourable' chief minister of Tamilnadu.

I think that such arrogant displays of birthdays of bad people should be banned.

28 February 2025

Prof Lumumba's Africa

In today's  episode, Prof. Lumumba explained quoting several examples how colonisation robs ingenious culture and traditions of people. He mentioned a few famous African writers as well. One of them was Chinua Achebe, whose books are very popular in African countries. I have never come across any school library without books by Chinua Achebe, Wole SoyinkaGebre Medhin Tsegaye etc. in Africa.

26 February 2025

Illegal immigrants

There are lots of debates on illegal immigration to developing countries. 

Common perception seems to be that these illegal immigrants get punished. I think that they are punished for obvious reasons.

This evening, CNA TV Channel telecast an informative documentary that looked deeper into the issue. 

It showed an illegal immigrant from Punjab. His parents are in Punjab and seem to lead a comfortable life with no sign of poverty. Father of the immigrant, a middle aged man with seemingly good health and capable of doing some work and earn money for him and his family says that if his son is deported from the US, the family will be ruined. I think that this is totally unacceptable. Besides, the State Government of Punjab seems to be striving hard to improve the economic status of it's citizens.

I think that TV and other social media give an exaggerated view of issues.

Rudra Fest

Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is celebrated as Mahaa Shiva Raathree.

Lord Shiva (known also as Lord Rudraa) is a great devotee of Lord Shree Mahaa Vishnu. 

It is said that when Brahmins perform Deva Pooja (Pooja of Shaligraam Form of Shree Mahaa Vishnu), Lord Rudraa stands behind Him holding a bowl on his hand to collect the holy water that flows from Shree Mahaa Vishnu Shaaligraamam after bathing Him.

Before Lord Shree Raam set His foot on Shree Lanka in search of Seethaa Devi, he prayed to Lord Shree Rudraa at what is known as Raameshwaram.

Raameshwaram Temple:

Shree Rudra Devaa and His wife Paarvathee Devi:

Shree Mahaa Vishnu and His wife Shree Mahaa Lakshmi:

Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏

About Me

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Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.