29 July 2024

Gulliver's Travels and Turkiye

In our school days, we have all enjoyed reading Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Names of people in present day Cyprus and Turkiye resemble those in the second island of Gulliver's visit. I wonder whether the author meant these regions in his novel.

28 July 2024

Oddities in Online shopping

Most of us, particularly those who are 73 years of age like me, experience the convenience of online shopping. It reduces our risk of walking in chaotic streets and roads, it saves time etc. Still, when looked at holistically, it is not as good and straight forward as shopping in the store.

Yesterday I had a very unpleasant experience of ordering my dinner via www.swiggy.com.

I ordered for dosa and sambar costing nearly Rs 200. When ordering, I gave my residential address in their website. I paid the cost via Google Pay. 

After a few minutes I had a call from the delivery person that the address that I gave was wrong as his Google Map showed a different area of the city. There was no need for him to use Google Map when I had given my residential address including landmark correctly. 

He said that he cannot deliver the item and said that my order is cancelled; he also said that I should remit Rs 185 to Swiggy for cancellation. 

Thus I lost my money due to Swiggy's fault.

Recently we have seen the global chaos due to malfunctioning at Microsoft. 

Technology is useful when in good hands, but disastrous when in bad hands.

Sreejith's birthday

Today is Sreejith's birthday. He is a well behaved former colleague of mine when I was working at a K-12 E-learning materials development Company in Chennai during 2006 or so. 

If I had got married to any compatible woman, I would have probably had a son or daughter of Sreejith's age.

My best wishes to Sreejith for a happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.

21 July 2024

Nostalgic journey

When I was fiddling around NHK WORLD JAPAN website, I came across a very interesting video that features analogue taperecorders.

I fondly remember my analogue radio receivers and taperecorders that were indispensable company until the late '80s when I switched to digital ones, during my many years of stay abroad. 

Divine Discourse

It was highly spiritually enriching to view  Shree Krishna Chandra Shastiji's Bhaagavad Katha (Shree Mahaa Vishnu's Story) on Sanskar TV Channel this evening.

He mentioned that according to Maharishi Vaalmeeki, after killing evil Raavan, Lord Shree Raam ruled the Ayodhyaa Kingdom for 11,000 years and He always looked strikingly handsome and youthful. He mentioned a very significant concept here. We all depend upon Nature. Shree Mahaa Vishnu doesn't depend upon Nature. Nature depends upon Him.

Jai Shree Seethaa Devi sametha Shree Raam🙏.

Shree Mahaa Vishnu

Yesterday was a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender; idols of Lord Jagannaath, His brother Lord Balabhadraa and His sister Shree Shubhadra were taken back to the Temple at the end of Ratha Yaathraa. 

Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calendar. It is celeberated as Guru poornimaa. Guru means Lord Vedavyaasa, who is considered to an incarnation of Shree Mahaa Vishnu. Special worship is offered to Him.

Lord Vedavyaasa and Shree Madhwaachaarya. 

Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏.

19 July 2024

Media and quality degradation

As I write this post, there is a news that there is a mass IT outage across the world due to some technical issue with Microsoft.

We have been experiencing degradation of quality in all consumer goods from food to TV Channel content in general globally. Let me confine to media content in this post.

BBC World TV Channel's regular viewers would notice gradual but significant reduction in quality in it's programs over the past few years.

(I began listening to BBC World Service when I was a teenager in late 1960s and had been a regular listener until the early '90s, when I switched my interest to BBC World TV). 

Even 15 years ago, BBC World TV's programs such as Travel Show and Click used to change content every week. Nowadays, they don't do this. For example, today's Travel Show episode is 100% the same as that was telecast one week ago. 

Following is a clip from today's Travel Show telecast by BBC News TV Channel:

Besides, the program  content is certainly not as good as it used be even a few years ago. This applies to many programs telecast by BBC WORLD.

I don't understand why BBC and media outlets cannot change the way in which they function.  

More importantly, it is an obvious fact that in general, quality of people's attitudes and their behaviour is also undergoing deterioration globally. 

Regarding Microsoft OS, Sayee (my maternal uncle's son), a brilliant computer engineer with a Master's degree from a University in the US, says that Linux is a better OS than MS. I trust his opinion. He has worked in World Bank etc.

Karmaa Concept

US President Joe Biden has been diagnosed with Covid according to media reports. It is a well known fact that he had Covid vaccines previously. 

There have been many cases such as that of Mr Vasanth, CEO of Vasanth & Co, a very popular consumer durables Store in Tamilnadu, where people  died due to Covid even after having the vaccine.

It is a popular belief that exercises or physically active life style can prevent Dementia//Alzheimer's disease. Former British PM Margaret Thatcher (known as 'Iron lady') had dementia. Former US President Ronald Raegan died after getting Alzheimer's disease. Shree Amitabh Bachan's mother is said to have died after living with dementia. She was well known as an active home maker and a support to her poet husband. 

According to Hinduism, if a person comitted sins in his/her life time or in previous births, he/she cannot escape from meeting the consequences. This is known as Principle of Karma.

Hence, Karma Concept is above pharmaceutical industry interested in making income by promoting anti dementia drugs etc.

18 July 2024

Nelson Mandela

Today is the birth anniversary of Dr Nelson Mandela, legendary South African leader and a disciple of Mahatma Gandhiji. He and another former South African President F W De Klerk were instrumental in abolishing apartheid in South Africa. For this reason they received well deserved Nobel Peace. Prize.

17 July 2024

Shayani Ekaadashi

Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is observed as Shayani Ekaadashi. Special worship is offered to Shree Mahaa Vishnu  on this day. Besides, being Wednesday, today is very auspicious to worship Shree Mahaa Vishnu and His wife Shree Mahaa Lakshmi.

Shree Krishna arpanam asthu🙏.

16 July 2024

Criminal politicians

I think that inspite of violent scenes, some of our movies end with a moral. One such movie is 'Lion' telecast by Amrita TV Channel today.

In this movie, an evil and corrupt politician is killed.  I think that evil politicians and their boot licking civil servants should be eradicated in the same manner. That will the dawn of true 'Raama Raajyaa' of today.

Shree Jagannaath Fest

As part of Ratha Yaathraa of Lord Shree Jagannaath, today also special worship rituals are performed for Lord Shree Jagannaath, His brother Balabhadraa and His sister Shree Shubhadraa. Let me share the Utube video as shown live by Jai Jagannaath TV.

We all know how former US President Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by a criminal rascal, day before yesterday. According to a Kolkota ISKCON's Swaamiji, it was because Donald Trump enabled some work related to Lord Jagannaath's Ratha Yaathraa in US many years ago. Let me share the information here.

Jai Shree Jagannaath🙏.

15 July 2024

Shannen Doherty's death

It is sad to hear that Shannen Doherty has died, from a news report. She will be remembered by numerous fans for her role in TV Serials such as Beverly Hills. I used to view 'Beverly Hills' during my tenure in Southern Africa in the early 90's. May her soul rest in peace.

Shree Raam Kathaa

It was spiritually enriching in viewing Shree Raam Kathaa discourse by Shree Morari Bapujee. He explained the return of Lord Shree Raam and His team to Ayodhya after the Raam Raavan war, His placing Shree Vibheeshanaa as King of Sri Lanka and establishing Raam Raajyaa in Ayodhyaa.

Jai Shree Seethaa Devi sametha Shree Raamjee🙏

Naaraayana Seva Sansthan

Imagine a 12 or 13 years old girl with only one leg. She likes classical dance and imagines herself performing classical dances. She is from a financially poor parentage. Her uncle takes her to an NGO where artificial leg is fitted to her. The girl  is happy that she can walk well and dance.

This is not just a story, but from real life of a girl featured in a TV programme produced by Narayana Seva Sansthan.

The Organisation has been serving communities for many years, thanks to it's CEO and Shree Hari who is residing in his heart.

NVS has won many awards that it truly deserves.

12 July 2024

Lord Shree Krishna's Words

It is spiritually very enlightening to view charismatic Shree Gita Manishijee Maharaaj's divine discourses on Bhagavad Geethaa (Lord Shree Krishna's Words) on Sanskar TV Channel daily from 8 pm to 8.30 pm (IST).

Jai Shree Krishnaa🙏

11 July 2024

Judiciary and Police in India

As some one who is not interested in politics, I write this post from a development perspective instead of political perspective. 

All even minded citizens know the developments taking place in our country since Shree Narendra Modiji became Prime Minister (though Shree P V Narasimha Rao as Prime Minister and Shree Manmohan Singh as Finance Minister had already done a lot in internal finance etc. Shree Rajiv Gandhi was instrumental in enabling computers .in school classrooms). 

We have recently seen his unbiased views on Russia Ukraine war when he met Mr Putin in Moscow.

Like most educated and even minded citizens, I think that Modiji is the best Prime Minister that our country has had since independence.

However, Modiji and his team should have well defined and clear cut policies on Law and Order situation, particularly Judiciary and Police. It is a well known fact that crimes are increasing, corruption in Government Departments is increasing and criminals are not given the punishment that they deserve. Examples are Vijay Mallya, Sashi Tharoor, Niren Modi, Sasikala, Kanimozhi and many others.

I think that it is high time that the Central Government considers Judiciary and Police as priority and take steps to punish corrupt officials severely so that they never return to public service.

10 July 2024

Pepper rasam

Although online shopping is not good as I mentioned in yesterday's post, when comparing direct and online shopping, the latter is better, particularly to senior citizens. 

Last week I placed an order via Big Basket Online Store for a few food items including pepper rasam. The item was not only neatly packed but also very delicious without any odd side effects. I heard that MTR Foods is a Bangalore based company that is run by Maadhwaa Brahmin Community. Brahmins are considered to be experts in cooking vegetarian food items.

09 July 2024

All that glitters is not gold

Like many  single senior citizens, I get my food requirements via caterers and online stores such as Big Basket.

Yesterday I placed an order for a few breakfast snack items. One of them was breakfast bars

Today when I opened the pack, it was highly colourful and tempting as in the image displayed in Big Basket's Online Store. Following is a photo of the pack as soon as I opened it:

When I ate from one of these packets, the snack was neither chewy nor delicious as mentioned in the online store description about the product. After eating just one bar, I experienced stomach upset.

All that glitters is not gold.

07 July 2024

Criminal in classroom

This evening, there was a news item in Polimer News TV Channel that in Assam, a 11th standard student stabbed his teacher to death because she told him that he was not studying well and he has to bring his parents to school to discuss with the teacher.

Similar incident happened in a very popular private school in Adayar, Chennai, a few years back. I don't remember the name of the school. Police inquiry revealed that the boy came from a rich parentage and that he used to get a daily pocket money of Rs 100 (which at that time was more than enough to have three full meals in a decent restaurant). This was clear evidence of how parents/grand-parents spoil children by being too lenient.

I think that as long as arrogant parents and grand parents display blind affection towards children and don't realise that teachers are to be trusted, it is bad for children. 

Lord Shree Jagannaath Fest

Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This is first day of Ratha Yaathraa of Lord Shree Jagannaath, who is Lord Krishna Himself.

Let me share information about Lord Shree Jagannaath Ratha Yaathraa here.

Jai Shree Jagannaath🙏.

06 July 2024

Shree Raam Kathaa

It was joy viewing a speech on Grihastaashram, Raama Bhakthi etc. by charismatic Shree Prembhushanji Maharaaj after a long time on Sanskar TV Channel this morning.

02 July 2024

Jagannaatha Puri Temple

Today being Ekaadashi, special Poojaas seem to be performed in Jagannaatha Puri Temple, sacred abode of Shree Jagannaath.

Jai Shree Jagannaath🙏.

01 July 2024

Virtual pilgrimage to Pandaripuram

This evening, it was joy to view a divine programme titled 'Pandaripuram Yaathirai' (meaning 'Pilgrimage to Pandaripuram') on Sankara TV Channel. Pandaripuram is the town in which Shree Vittala Paandurangaa Temple is located. 

The programme featured Shree Paandurangaa, an avathaar of Shree Mahaa Vishnu. It also included discourses and divine songs sung by devotees. 

Jai Shree Rukmini sametha Shree Vittala Paandurangaa🙏.

About Me

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Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.