Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
29 July 2024
Gulliver's Travels and Turkiye
28 July 2024
Oddities in Online shopping
Sreejith's birthday
Today is Sreejith's birthday. He is a well behaved former colleague of mine when I was working at a K-12 E-learning materials development Company in Chennai during 2006 or so.
If I had got married to any compatible woman, I would have probably had a son or daughter of Sreejith's age.
My best wishes to Sreejith for a happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.
21 July 2024
Nostalgic journey
Divine Discourse
Shree Mahaa Vishnu
Yesterday was a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender; idols of Lord Jagannaath, His brother Lord Balabhadraa and His sister Shree Shubhadra were taken back to the Temple at the end of Ratha Yaathraa.
19 July 2024
Media and quality degradation
Karmaa Concept
18 July 2024
Nelson Mandela
17 July 2024
Shayani Ekaadashi
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is observed as Shayani Ekaadashi. Special worship is offered to Shree Mahaa Vishnu on this day. Besides, being Wednesday, today is very auspicious to worship Shree Mahaa Vishnu and His wife Shree Mahaa Lakshmi.
Shree Krishna arpanam asthu🙏.
16 July 2024
Criminal politicians
Shree Jagannaath Fest
As part of Ratha Yaathraa of Lord Shree Jagannaath, today also special worship rituals are performed for Lord Shree Jagannaath, His brother Balabhadraa and His sister Shree Shubhadraa. Let me share the Utube video as shown live by Jai Jagannaath TV.
We all know how former US President Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by a criminal rascal, day before yesterday. According to a Kolkota ISKCON's Swaamiji, it was because Donald Trump enabled some work related to Lord Jagannaath's Ratha Yaathraa in US many years ago. Let me share the information here.
Jai Shree Jagannaath🙏.
15 July 2024
Shannen Doherty's death
It is sad to hear that Shannen Doherty has died, from a news report. She will be remembered by numerous fans for her role in TV Serials such as Beverly Hills. I used to view 'Beverly Hills' during my tenure in Southern Africa in the early 90's. May her soul rest in peace.
Shree Raam Kathaa
Jai Shree Seethaa Devi sametha Shree Raamjee🙏
Naaraayana Seva Sansthan
Imagine a 12 or 13 years old girl with only one leg. She likes classical dance and imagines herself performing classical dances. She is from a financially poor parentage. Her uncle takes her to an NGO where artificial leg is fitted to her. The girl is happy that she can walk well and dance.
This is not just a story, but from real life of a girl featured in a TV programme produced by Narayana Seva Sansthan.
The Organisation has been serving communities for many years, thanks to it's CEO and Shree Hari who is residing in his heart.
NVS has won many awards that it truly deserves.
12 July 2024
Lord Shree Krishna's Words
It is spiritually very enlightening to view charismatic Shree Gita Manishijee Maharaaj's divine discourses on Bhagavad Geethaa (Lord Shree Krishna's Words) on Sanskar TV Channel daily from 8 pm to 8.30 pm (IST).
Jai Shree Krishnaa🙏
11 July 2024
Judiciary and Police in India
10 July 2024
Pepper rasam
Although online shopping is not good as I mentioned in yesterday's post, when comparing direct and online shopping, the latter is better, particularly to senior citizens.
Last week I placed an order via Big Basket Online Store for a few food items including pepper rasam. The item was not only neatly packed but also very delicious without any odd side effects. I heard that MTR Foods is a Bangalore based company that is run by Maadhwaa Brahmin Community. Brahmins are considered to be experts in cooking vegetarian food items.
09 July 2024
All that glitters is not gold
When I ate from one of these packets, the snack was neither chewy nor delicious as mentioned in the online store description about the product. After eating just one bar, I experienced stomach upset.
07 July 2024
Criminal in classroom
This evening, there was a news item in Polimer News TV Channel that in Assam, a 11th standard student stabbed his teacher to death because she told him that he was not studying well and he has to bring his parents to school to discuss with the teacher.
Similar incident happened in a very popular private school in Adayar, Chennai, a few years back. I don't remember the name of the school. Police inquiry revealed that the boy came from a rich parentage and that he used to get a daily pocket money of Rs 100 (which at that time was more than enough to have three full meals in a decent restaurant). This was clear evidence of how parents/grand-parents spoil children by being too lenient.
I think that as long as arrogant parents and grand parents display blind affection towards children and don't realise that teachers are to be trusted, it is bad for children.
Lord Shree Jagannaath Fest
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This is first day of Ratha Yaathraa of Lord Shree Jagannaath, who is Lord Krishna Himself.
Let me share information about Lord Shree Jagannaath Ratha Yaathraa here.
Jai Shree Jagannaath🙏.
06 July 2024
Shree Raam Kathaa
It was joy viewing a speech on Grihastaashram, Raama Bhakthi etc. by charismatic Shree Prembhushanji Maharaaj after a long time on Sanskar TV Channel this morning.
02 July 2024
Jagannaatha Puri Temple
01 July 2024
Virtual pilgrimage to Pandaripuram
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.