Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
31 August 2024
26 August 2024
Shree Bheeshmaa as Lord Shree Krishna's Devotee
All Vishnu devotees know that Bheeshmacharyaa was a devotee of Shree Mahaa Vishnu and Lord Shree Krishna. when Draupadi was abused by Duschaadana in Duryodhana'a court, she requested Vishnu devotees such as Dronaachaaryaa and Bheeshmaacharyaa. But still none intervened and protected Draupadi. Finally when Deaupadi realised that only Lord Shree Krishna can save her, she left holding her saree and called Him with both hands. Immediately Lord Shree Krishna saved her from abuse.
I used to think why Bheeshmaacharyaa could not stop the abuse? In a Divine Discourse, Shree Satyatma Theertha Swaamiji of Uttaradi Mutt says that it was the polluted rice provided by evil minded Duryodhanaa that prevented Bheesmacharyaa from taking any action to stop the abuse to Draupadi.
When Bheesmacharyaa was very thirsty and asked for water, when on his death bed of arrows, Duryodhanaa brought some water. But Bheeshmaacharyaa refused to take it. Arjuna was nearby. He shot an arrow on the Earth and caused the sacred river Gangaa to flow into the mouth of Bheeshmaacharyaa. Thus Bheeshmaacharyaa got his thirst quenched.
When Dharmaraajaa felt guilty that he was the cause of deaths of the Kauravaas, Lord Shree Krishna asked Bheeshmaacharyaa to explain to Dharmaraja that he need not feel guilty and that he did the right thing that led to the destruction of Kauravaas. This is where Bheeshmaacharyaa gave the revered 'Vishnu Sahasranaamam' (meaning 'Countless Names of Shree Mahaa Vishnu).
Jai Shree Krishnaa🙏
Lord Shree Krishna's Birth Day
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is celebrated as Krishna Jayanthi. Shree Mahaa Vishnu incarnated as Lord Shree Krishna a few minutes before midnight as child of Devakee and Vasudeva in Mathura.
He had four hands and worn ornaments during His Birth to show that He was not an ordinary infant and that He was an incarnation of Shree Mahaa Vishnu.
Jai Shree Krishnaa🙏
25 August 2024
Difficulties and loneliness
According to Sanaathana Dharmaa Scriptures, we get difficulties due to our past or present Karma (actions).
Some times these difficulties arise very unexpectedly. Let me narrate my today's experience related to this.
Usually, after getting my clothes washed in the washing machine, I leave them inside the machine. Later, my servant maid dries them on the clothesline.
She has the habit of keeping the broomstick near the washing machine very near the outlet tube that carries the washed away water. The tube is inserted into a slightly diametrically larger tube. Usually before switching the machine on, I ensure that the outlet tube is fit tightly.
It looks like when my servant maid came yesterday, she shook the outlet tube by mistake though unintentionally. This morning, as usual I placed my clothes in the machine. But by the time the machine had completed it's course, there was a flood of water in the area near the machine and the kitchen. The problem is that there is no outlet of washed water anywhere in the house. (I think that this is a common problem in many modern houses and apartments). There was no way that the water could be drained out.
I thought that when my servant maid comes, she would fix the problem. Unfortunately she phoned me saying that she wouldn't come today as she has body pain, thereby nailing down my short lived hope.
At 73, I find it difficult to use clothes to squeeze the water out. I have run all the ceiling fans and exhaust fans with the hope that the water will gradually be drained out atleast by tomorrow morning.
If I had got married to a good woman, she would have probably helped me at these times.
These are the times when I remember songs such as 'When I'm sixty four' by The Beatles .
23 August 2024
International Day for Abolition of Slavery
Today is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery as designated by the United Nations Organisation.
Interestingly, abolition of slavery in the US paved the way for recruitment of workers from India to sugar plantations in South Africa, West Indies, Pacific Islands etc. Writers such as Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe etc. and statesmen such as Abraham Lincoln and our Shree Mahatma Gandhiji etc. were very involved in anti slavery movements.
Let us pay our tributes to these people.
22 August 2024
Online shopping oddity
21 August 2024
Online shopping oddity
Shree Raghavendra Swamy Aaraadhanaa
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It is the Aaraadhanaa day of Shree Raghavendra Swamy, one of the most revered saints in the Maadhwaa community to which I belong.
Shree Raghavendra Swamy is considered to be a reincarnation of Lord Prahlaadhaa, a great devotee of Shree Mahaa Vishnu and son of evil demon king Hiranyakashapu. According to Scriptures, Lord Shree Mahaa Vishnu incarnated as Lord Narasimhaa and killed the evil demon king.
Saathwick cooking
As a 100% vegetarian single living senior citizen, I myself cook my food items although I do order from Brahmin catering agencies some times. Being a poor eater, I order for only two side dishes instead of the standard four items. Besides, on important days such as Ekaadashi, Amaavaasyaa etc. I cook my own food. Hence the catering agency that used to deliver food items has stopped doing so, as it does not benefit from my purchases. (There has been a new caterer but this one is non-Brahmin vegetarian. According to Scriptures, a Brahmin should eat only food items cooked by a Brahmin).
This morning's episode of 'Desi rasoi se' on National HD TV Channel featured a few saathwick snacks presented by a young lady, who looks like a Shree Krishnaa devotee, from Mathuraa, the birth place of Lord Shree Krishna.
Following is a clip from the programme:
Jai Shree Krishnaa🙏.
20 August 2024
Rajiv Gandhi's birhday
19 August 2024
Hindu Fest
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. This day is celebrated as Hayagreeva Jayanthi.
Today is also the day of Upaakarma. On this day, Brahmins replace their old sacred threads by new ones after their regular worships to Shree Mahaa Vishnu and Shree Mahaa Lakshmi, our Devine Parents. This ceremony is a kind of recharging our spiritual batteries inside us.
Jai Shree Hayagreeva Swaamy🙏.
Jai Shree Lakshmi Naaraayanaa🙏.
Shree Krishna arpanam asthu🙏.
17 August 2024
Indonesia's Independence Day
16 August 2024
Currency note with politician's image
Shree Mahaa Lakshmi Fest
15 August 2024
Shree Mahaa Vishnu Fest Ekaadashi
12 August 2024
Ethiopian Coffee Ritual
11 August 2024
10 August 2024
Kalkee Jayanthi
09 August 2024
Singapore's National Day
05 August 2024
Lord Jagannaath's Ratha Yaathraa in Japan
04 August 2024
Rowdy rule in Tamilnadu
As I am writing this post, it is 6.38 pm. The weather is very cloudy with no lightning, thunder or rain.
Since this morning power supply in our area has been cut thrice. Often when there is power cut, it is only fixed after an hour or so.
I think that the atrocities by the DMK run government have increased multifold after the Vikravaandi bielection in which the DMK Party's rascal candidate won. Though they keep silent, most common folk and media know the dirty tactics that the DMK adopts to win in elections.
I think that it is high time that drastic revolutionary changes are brought in such that these political rascals and their boot licking civil servants in the government machinery are permanently replaced by honest ones, such that these rascals never get any chance to 'serve' the public. Until this happens, power should be cut in areas where abovementioned politicians, their second fiddling civil servants and arrogant disonest employees reside, so that they will experience the difficulties encountered by common folk.
It is 8.48 pm. Still power supply hasn't been restored though the weather condition remains calm. It is odd that our 'dedicated' Chief Minister and his team visit western countries to attract investment opportunities in Chennai and other parts of Tamilnadu when they cannot solve the problems that they create to common folk in the state.
01 August 2024
TV Documentary
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.