Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
29 June 2022
Divine discourse
27 June 2022
Fake 'Face lift' and false sense of dignity
24 June 2022
Divine discourse
23 June 2022
Thirst of curiosity
In my post dated 18th, I had mentioned about the common belief that there are six people who like alike. This reminds of two interesting incidents.
When I was working in Southern Africa in the late '80s, I used to spend my weekends with friends. One such friend was a Sikh colleague with whom I used to go to a nearby Gurdwara. Once I happened to see a woman who resembled a woman by name K L Sujatha. Out of curiosity, I went near the woman and realised that she was not K L Sujatha.
In 1993, nearly a year after my return from Southern Africa, I was offered a job in a school in Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh. During my my first few days, I used to have visitors who simply wanted to see me with no serious intention. When I asked about this to my PA, he told me that these people heard that the newly recruited principal looked like Mohan Gokhale (a popular Marathi film actor at that time) and hence they simply liked to quench their thirst of curiosity by having a look at me.
22 June 2022
Digital discomfort
God and His gadgets
All of us are aware of the immense benefits of post internet technological development. Thanks to Google Apps such as G Pay and Online money transfer modes such Net Banking. Ofcourse there is also a wide range of online utility services such as travel booking and tours.
I think that these facilities are a God given gift to all people in general and senior citizens who live alone, in particular.
For the past few days, my food caterers havn't been able to deliver my food items on a regular basis due to traffic conjestion caused by metro rail project that is going on in the area where I reside. But, despite this, thank God, food retail outlets such as Swiggy have been of immense help.
I think that though some of us may be living alone with none to provide regular food, there are options to remedy this situation, and we are never left to live alone. God is Great.
18 June 2022
My niece's wedding
01 June 2022
Divine Discourse
After many days, I had the previlege of viewing Shree Gopal Mani jee Maharaaj's discourse on the sacred cow on Aashthaa or Sanskaar TV Channel.
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.