Welcome to my blog. I share my views on issues related to K-12 Education (and sometimes, on general non-political issues) in this blog. I hope that you find it interesting.
30 December 2023
Lord Shree Raam Fest
26 December 2023
Shree Daththa Jayanthi
Today is celeberated as Shree Daththa Jayanthi by Hindus all over the world. It was on this day, tens and thousands of centuries ago, Shree Mahaa Vishnu was born in His manifestations of His own Mahaa Vishnu Self, Lord Brahma and Lord Rudra, on the request of Sage Athri and his wife Anasuyaa.
Let me share a ritual of worship to Shree Dhaththaathreyaa by Shree Ganapathi Sachithaananda Swaameeji as presented in this Utube video.
23 December 2023
Shree Mahaa Vishnu Fest
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It is celeberated as Vaikunta Ekaadashi and Geethaa Jayanthi. This is the day nearly 5000 years ago, on which Lord Shree Krishna gave His Bhagavath Geethaa to Arjuna to resolve his depression and dilemma.
20 December 2023
Doctor with a difference
19 December 2023
Ancestral worship: Japanese way
As a regular viewer and fan of NHK WORLD JAPAN TV Channel, I have derived pleasure in viewing their programs. This morning the channel telecast an interesting program on ancestral worship in a town in Japan. Let me share the program with you here.
18 December 2023
16 December 2023
Hong Kong: The Ever-Changing City
14 December 2023
Solar energy solutions
This refers to my yesterday's post on COP 18 Summit.
13 December 2023
Virtual visit to Brindaavan
COP 18 Summit
03 December 2023
Chiang mai
This morning, I had the pleasure of viewing "Somewhere Street" on NHK WORLD JAPAN channel. The episode featured Chiang Mai, a city in Thailand. I liked the episode as people in Thailand share the same culture and traditions with their counterparts in Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia. The episode reminded me of pleasant experiences that I had during my work in Cambodia in 2008 and 2009.
26 November 2023
24 November 2023
Shree Krishna's Divine Wedding with Thulasi Devee
23 November 2023
Purusha sooktham
17 November 2023
Shree Satyapramoda Thirtha
Yesterday was an important day to Maadhwaa community of Brahmins (to which I belong); it is the anniversary of the day on which Shree Satyapramoda Tirtha is considered to have attained Lord Shree Hari's Lotus Feet.
16 November 2023
Lord Vishnu and Kochi
12 November 2023
Festival of lights
10 November 2023
Tom Jones
08 November 2023
Jai Jagannaath
Japanese classical dance
Thanks to Tataplay for upgrading my set top box.
I had the pleasure of watching my favourite 'Kabuki Cool' this morning.
05 November 2023
Activity based Physical science Classroom
As a former contributor and current reader of 'Teacher Plus', I find a few very interesting articles. One such is published in this month's edition.
The author has brought out grassroots realities of online classroom interaction and how it is not as easy to develop as it is wrongly perceived to be.
In this context, I remember a UNESCO Report published in the 1980s; it contained evidence based research materials from several countries and proved that simple household appliances are adequate to teach many physical science concepts up to the middle school level. I have had experiences endorsing this view in my own career as science teacher and teacher trainer.
I have always thought that animations are in no way as effective as actual experiments and activities performed by children unless the experiments and activities are dangerous.
For instance, the simple middle school physical science concept that objects require oxygen in burning, can be demonstrated by simple activities such as this, done in my kitchen.
Fiddling with technology
03 November 2023
Now And Then by The Beatles
02 November 2023
Last song of The Beatles
Nearly half an hour back, 'Now And Then', the last song by the The Beatles got released. Although technically 'Let It Be' (which was released in 1970) was their last song, 'Now And Then' was only partly completed then, and fully completed only recently.
The Beatles will be remembered as one of the best softrock bands by their numerous fans.
I remember how I liked the music and how I used to sing 'Let It Be' in 1970. I also remember how I used to have a hair style like those of The Beatles, falling in line with many youngsters of those days.
Following photo shows me with The Beatles like hair style, jeans pants and white cotton shirt on during 1984 or so alongwith my friends in front of the main entrance to Paro airport, Bhutan:
31 October 2023
Indian political leaders
Today marks the death anniversary of Mrs Indira Gandhi and birth anniversary of Shri Vallabhai Patel. Both leaders did many sacrifices and served the country.
30 October 2023
Bikaner and it's food history
I had the pleasure of viewing 'RAJA RASOI AUR ANYA KAHAANIYAAN' on Epic TV Channel this evening. The program is presented by charismatic Prof. Pushpesh Pant, a food historian and author.
Multicultural restaurant
27 October 2023
Bishen Singh Bedi's demise
Today's news that Bishen Singh Bedi has passed away comes as a shock provided the fact that he was a legendary bowler and was just 77.
I liked his cricket performance as I was considered to be a slow speed left arm spin bowler during my college days. (My left arm and left leg are always stronger than than my right ones due to my polio).
His fans will remember him for the laurels that he brought for our country.
26 October 2023
Divine discourse
24 October 2023
Madhwa Jayanthi
Today is an auspicious day to Shree Mahaa Vishnu devotees who follow Shree Madhwaachaarya's teachings, traditions and religious practices. Madhwaachaarya guides devotees to develop Gnaana (Knowledge about Shree Hari), Bhakthi (Devotion to Shree Hari) and Vairaaghyaa (Detachment).
It gives joy to me to share a Utube video containing an animated version of the life history of Shree Madhwaachaarya.
23 October 2023
Food history
Vijaya Dashami
Today is the last day of the Navaraathri Festival. This day is celebrated as Vijaya Dashami. According to our Uttaraadi Mutt Almanac, today is Budhdha Jayanthi, birth anniversary of Budhdhaa, an incarnation of our Supreme Lord Shree Mahaa Vishnu, who is the Founder President and CEO of the entire Universe and the 14 worlds, space and all things in them. Shree Mahaa Lakshmi serves Him as the Vice President and COO of the Enterprise.
I fondly remember the dolls exhibition in our house, like in many Brahmin houses in those golden years. I have described about this in a few previous posts.
I also fondly remember 'Gangamma Jaathraa' held by local people as a form of worshipping Gangamma (meaning 'Mother Gangaa') in Greamspet, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, where my maternal grandparents were settled.
21 October 2023
Navaraathri Fest
16 October 2023
Lord Shree Krishnaa's Pandhokhar Dham
Whenever possible, I view a program from Pandhkhar Dhaam on Aashthaa TV Channel. I regret that it never struck to me to visit this divine place in Dhatheeya, MP, when I was serving in a school in Lalitpur, UP, for a few months in the early 90s, after returning from South Africa. Datheeya was just an hour or two by train from Lalitpur.
The program reminds me of pleasant moments (though I did have very unpleasant moments) during my stay at Lalitpur. I fondly remember my good colleagues such as Mrs Renu Bansal, Mrs/Ms Ametha Singh, Selvaraj, Mrs Sangeetha Sharma etc.
15 October 2023
Nine nights Fest
11 October 2023
A good colleague's death
05 October 2023
World Teachers' Day
Today is World Teachers' Day, a day of tribute to all dedicated teachers all over the world, and a day of thanks-giving to Shree Mahaa Vishnu, our Divine Guru and and President & Founder CEO of our Universe.
I fondly remember my beloved parents, good teachers who taught me during my school and college days, and dedixated colleagues in different countries (in which I worked).
03 October 2023
Shree Mahaa Vishnu (Akshar Dham)
This evening I had the joy of viewing a religious program presented by Gujarat based Swami Naaraayan Temple. The program featured the Dheekshaa Ceremony
It was nice to see a portrait of Shree Madhwaachayaa in the temple complex.
It was amazing to infer the deep Bhakthi aspect of devotees in a land mass that is situated far away from Bhaarath, our home country.
02 October 2023
Gandhi Jayanthi
28 September 2023
Dr M S Swaminathan
I think that our country has lost one of it's top agricultural scientists in Dr M S Swaminathan's demise. He served the world at large and our own country as an accomplished agricultural scientist.
I remember my brief meeting with him when I was sent by PREPARE, a Chennai based NGO, to participate in a function organised by M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, in mid 1990s, when a set of videos developed by Mrs Mina Swaminathan, Mr Swaminathan's wife and an eminent educationist, was launched. These videos contained evidence based case studies of issues related to the school bag burden of school kids. These were telecast over Chennai National TV Channel. I was the first participant to arrive at the venue. As I sat in the Conference Hall, Dr Swaminathan and his wife came to the hall and greeted me. They also inquired about the welfare of Dr Jacob D Raj, Founder CEO of PREPARE, and his wife Dr Daisy Dharmaraj. This NGO served in Childcare and Education, Health and a few other areas of human development in Chennai, Telengana and Odisha. It provided opportunities to well qualified and dedicated professionals to work in a corruption free environment.
Following image shows me, Dr Daisy Dharmaraj, the chief guest and Dr Jacob D Raj, from left to right, at a function organised by PREPARE:
26 September 2023
Shree Mahaa Vishnu
Today being Ekaadashi, is a very auspicious day to some Maadhwaa communities. Though Ekadashi was yesterday, according to the Almanac published by Uttaradi Mutt (to which I belong), in some areas such as Chennai (where I reside), Ekaadashi is observed today. As I have mentioned in my earlier posts, it is a very auspicious day, and Vaishnavite including Maadhwaa devotees offer special worship to Shree Mahaa Vishnu and His wife Shree Mahaa Lakshmi. They also fast on this day.
This evening I had the joy of listening to a divine discourse in this Utube video. It was of particular interest to me. The speaker Shree Satyavijayacharya hails from a village known as Satyavijaya Nagaram, near a town known as Arni near Vellore, in Tamilnadu. This village was large with a significant community of Brahmins many decades ago. My maternal grandmother hailed from this place. There was a Maadhwaa saint known as Satyavijaya Theertharu who is said to have attained Brindaavan in this place.
When I remember my maternal grandmother, I fondly remember her Krishna Bhakthi; she used to sing Krishna songs from the time she finished bathing until she began cooking or so. We used to visit her during some holidays. (My grandmother's brother known as 'Vaasu maama' among my mother and her siblings, was Principal of a Sanskrit College in Mysuru).
22 September 2023
Ghazals in movies
Malayaalam movie
Until two or three decades ago, Malayaalam movies were good, with low profile romance and violence. But recent ones in general, are not so.
This morning I bumped in one such movie 'Peruchazhi'. I was interested in the movie expecting to see how Malayaalees live in the US. The actors were versatile and popular, including Mohanlal and Mukesh.
But I was put off after a few minutes as somehow I thought that it was not worth viewing it.
(In this movie, Mohanlal gets into romantic relationship with a single woman who brings up a boy; she is half his age).
20 September 2023
Divine Discourse
18 September 2023
Ganesh Fest
17 September 2023
Shree Mahaa Vishnu's Incarnations
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. It was on this day that Shree Mahaa Vishnu incarnated as Lord Varaahaa and Lord Dhanvanthari.
Today is also the birth anniversary of Lord Balaraam, elder brother of Lord Shree Krishna.
Devotees offer special worship to Shree Mahaa Lakshmi, Lord Varaahaa, Lord Dhanvanthari and Lord Balaraam. The Divine Snake that serves as bed of Shree Mahaa Vishnu in Vaikunta Lokaa manifested as Shree Lakshmanaa, younger brother of Lord Shree Raam and later as Lord Balaraam.
16 September 2023
Skewed Governance
Tribute to teachers
Teachers are respected in all communities the world over though the degree varies amongst them.
This morning I had the pleasure of viewing an interesting programme on my favourite CNA TV Channel.
The programme reminded me of my years as teacher and how my students liked me.
I fondly remember my students' tributes to me as shown in the following images:
15 September 2023
Singapore's new President
07 September 2023
Divine Discourse
As I am typing this post, I derive the joy of listening to Shreemad Bhagavath Katha by Shree Kirit Bhaijee Maharaaj on Sanskar TV Channel.
Sree Krishnaa Fest
05 September 2023
04 September 2023
Channel News Asia
As I have mentioned many times, CNA continues to be one of my favourite TV Channels. Programs such as this are interesting as these feature aspects of culture and traditions of people such as the charismatic Ms Rosemarie, and many others from different countries, whose ancestors came to settle down in Singapore many years ago.
Vivek Ramaswamy
02 September 2023
Presidential election in Singapore
01 September 2023
Shree Raaghavendra Swamy Aaraadhanaa
31 August 2023
Hayagreeva Fest
29 August 2023
Elections and Indians
28 August 2023
Our 'Space Research' and ground reality
25 August 2023
Shree Vara Lakshmi Fest
Today is a very auspicious day in the Hindu Calender. Hindu women perform Shree Varalakshmi Pooja, and offer special worship to Shree Mahaa Lakshmi and Her Husband Shree Mahaa Vishnu, The Almighty.
23 August 2023
Divine Program
As I write this post, I am overwhelmed by the joy of viewing a divine programme dedicated to Shree Thulasi Devi , a divine manifestation of Shree Mahaa Lakshmi wife of Shree Mahaa Vishnu , and organised by Shree Morari Bapu Maharaj on Aashthaa TV Channel . This program known as 'Award samarpan samaroh' featured Awards presented to various personalities dedicated to Aadhyaathmic service. Recipients included Shree Raghavachryajee Maharaaj, Shree Sharanaanandjee Maharaaj, Raamaanujarya Swamy Shree Shreedharaachaaryajee Maharaaj etc.
22 August 2023
Kalkee Jayanthi
15 August 2023
Our country's Independence Day
13 August 2023
Shree Mahaa Vishnu
In his Chathurmaasya Utube video, Shree Satyaatma Theertha Swaamiji mentions how the sound of the alphabet 'A' denotes Shree Mahaa Vishnu in Sanskrit, and how in every language including English, this alphabet is the beginning one.
As Swamiji mentions in his discourse, just like 'A' is the leading alphabet in all languages, Shree Mahaa Vishnu is the leading deity among all deities. He is the Almighty Founder President and CEO of the entire Universe.
Shree Mahaa Vishnu is Great.
Shree Raam Kathaa
11 August 2023
Soccer on sundays
ABC's 'Pacific' is an interesting program as it features countries in the South Pacific. Although each episode is only 30 minutes long, it covers almost all countries in the region.
This morning's episode consisted of a news item showing how soccer is promoted in high schools in Fiji. Known as 'Football for Schools', it seems to be very popular. (There are a few other countries such as South Africa in which soccer is very popular. I remember my visits to the local football ground on weekends to view local teams play).
Region specific games such as African football and Bhutanese archery are a nice treat to eyes.
I think that it would be nice if our schools give priority to soccer when allocating budgets, for all the benefits of the game.
10 August 2023
Shree Hari's Devine Name
09 August 2023
Singapore National Day
As one of the very few city states, Singapore celeberates it's 58th National Day today.
As we all know, it is the most economically and socially developed country in South East Asia.
The harmonic relationship between it's three main ethnic communities, namely Chinese, Malay and Indian, has kept it as a vibrant country for the past 58 years since independence from British rule.
06 August 2023
As I am writing this post, I am viewing 'Culinary Escapes' on Foxlife TV Channel. It features San Francisco in the US.
It was pleasure to view Sreejith Gopinathan, chief chef at Taj Campton Hotel in the city. He demonstrates a few Indian dishes.
It reminds me of Gandhidoss (or was it Christu Gandhidoss or simply Gandhi? I don't remember). He was a Mauritian Indian culinary expert specialised in Dosa (a popular and common food item in southern states of India). He worked in an Indian Restaurant in Gaborone, Botswana. I used to have my lunch in the restaurant during my weekend visit to the city. I remember how I used to be a bit disappointed at the restaurant when told, "Sorry sir, no dosa service this time, as Gandhidoss has gone home on vacation".
Whether it is Gaborone, Durban, Vadodara or Phnom Penh, dosa seems to be a priced food item not only among us Indians but also others in our global village, rather global city.
Some of the best dosas made in restuarants were made in a small Udipi restaurant owned by a Brahman gentleman in Tripunithura, a suburb of Ernakulam in Kerala. If I remember well, each dosa with delicious healthy side dish (sambar and coconut chutney) cost just one ruppee; it was in the early 1980s. Good old days!
02 August 2023
Paul McCartney
This evening, when having my dinner, as I was viewing ABC TV Channel , I bumped into an unexpected interview by ABC's Sarah Ferguson with Paul McCartney of The Beatles in it's program '7.30'.
It was great pleasure viewing one of my most favourite singers. When he mentioned the song "When I'm sixty four", I was reminded of the late 60s, during which time numerous teenagers like me used to sing this song and many others by the 'Fab Four'.
I tried to provide a link to the programme, but couldn't access any.
Soma paanakaha
In this evening's episode of 1000 Naamangal 1000 Kathaigal, Dr U Ve Venkatesh explained "Soma paanakaha", one of Shree Mahaa Vishnu's Names listed in Shree Vishnu Sahasra Naama Sthothram. He explained that the term "soma paanaka" means a juice obtained from the soma plant and that it is offered humbly in rituals to His Almighty Shreeman Naaraayana. Shree Mahaa Vishnu is addressed as "Soma paanakaha" as He accepts it from His devotees.
Mr Venkatesh cautioned viewers not to believe false rumours. (I remember having heard somewhere that the term means a somewhat alcoholic drink such as beer or whiskey). He gave an excellent advice to viewers not to be taken away by rumours spread by anti-brahmin rascals.
01 August 2023
Lord Brahma's statue in Cambodia
Divine discourse
This afternoon, I had the joy of viewing Shreemad Bhagavath Kathaa discourse by Shree Kriparam Ji Maharaj on Aashtha TV Channel. He is a new comer in the channel. His explanations are very meaningful.
After the above program ended, when I tuned in to Sanskar TV Channel, I could derive the joy of viewing the discourse by Shree Anirudh Aacharyaji Maharaj. He mentioned how the relationship between Lord Shree Krishna and Gopikaa ladies was completely spiritual and not romantic in any manner; he also mentioned that Lord Shree Krishna was just seven years old at that time. (Nearly ten years ago, I have also mentioned this in a previous post).
I tried to give a link with information about Shree Anirudh Aacharyaji Maharaj in English, but couldn't find any. Hence the link with information in Hindi.
About Me

- Guruprasad Panamalai
- Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
- I am a retired K-12 Education Management Professional. I have worked at different levels in K-12 school systems, textbook publishing, elearning and Education NGOs. I have held memberships in The Association for Science Education (UK), American Association of Physics Teachers and The Malaysian Institute of Physics. I hold a 1st class B Sc Degree in Physics followed by B Ed [English and Physical Science] and M A [Childcare and Education] degrees. My published works include 59 articles in teacher development magazines in India and the US and a book entitled `Creative Classrooms and Child Friendly Schools' (listed in Amazon). This book is almost an anecdotal account of my professional experience in six countries (including Cambodia where I worked as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Youth And Sports). I served as mentor in the Certificate of Teaching Mastery Program offered by Teachers Without Borders.